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Should Buffy 6x7 - Once More, With Feeling be public to everyone like 5x16 - The Body was?

A lot of people are anticipating this episode and it would be really nice to allow people access.

However, I'm a little unsure about it due to the fact that so many people have DEMANDED a full reaction to it to the point where it's kind of turned me off the idea.

I would like to hear your opinions on the matter though. I'm creating a poll to get your opinions on it - I will decide myself in the end it would just be nice to know how you guys all feel about it.



If it was on Youtube, wouldn't it get a copyright strike?


I dont mind what you do, but I think you could maybe offer it to new patreons on the $2 dollar tier as a special offer, and let them know again that they could join your main patreon to see every episode reaction in full? That way you’re still offering it, almost like an introductory offer, but not pandering to the people being rude or just ‘demanding’ it, etc? Xx

Einar Sigurðsson

yes, but if you do watch the Making Of, keep that patreon only


Maybe do an "extended" version for youtube, but keep full version on patreon. Or move the single episode to $2.


I think making that one episode available to the $2 tier is a great option. IMO, you shouldn't get in the habit of giving away full episodes for free, because then people will start demanding them all the time, but $2 is not that much and, if people really can't afford to stay on Patreon, they can join for one month and then leave.


She wouldn't put the episode on youtube, she'd just put a post on Patreon that was open to everyone and link to that post on YouTube


I would say switch to the $2 tear and then maybe when your done with Buffy completely. Put up a video releasing it afterwards. As kind of a thank you for sticking with me present.

Chaotic Cam

I'm liking the $2 dollar option, if only because if they really want it then it really shouldn't be that hard to donate that much money to you. It puts me off that so many people would outright DEMAND this episode from you. I get wanting this episode as a full reaction, I really do, it's a great episode, but when it gets to the point that it's basically harassment, that's going too far. You're creating content, and you already gave out one full free episode already with The Body. Honestly, if they want the full reaction to this that bad then I don't think paying 2 dollars is too much to ask for.


you are a great, sincere reactor, and the reality is, everyone will want to see this one and it can really only help build youre channel more, and if they arent a patreon now, seeing OMWF for free, will def get them to subscribe to see the rest.


I would be all for making it public for YouTube, but you're right to think the people DEMANDING a full reaction certainly don't deserve to be rewarded for their behavior... A reduced price seems like a good compromise, with apologies to the poor innocent YouTubers who had it ruined for them 🙇🏻‍♀️


2 $ option sounds about right

Jon Dub

$2. That way those loyal to the channel in the LOL tier, who maybe cannot afford to spend more, get a special treat. Where as the entitled knob jockeys demanding free content get nothing, as they deserve.


Demand?!? Some ppl are jerks... By now you understand why so many folk are way too excited for 6x7... Ever since Hush, I've been wondering what a youtube version of this one would look like - but I know I won't like the chopped up songs...


Release it for free to the public imo.... if for no other reason than to make Dipper’s life much easier. Lol The demands are annoying, but forget those people. You’d be doing it for all the people that didn’t demand anything... the ones that are sitting silently watching all your videos and haven’t made a fuss. Yea the jerks benefit too, but the good people deserve it more than the bad ones don’t.


That was a great reaction, it's only ONE episode and I think you should share it with the world. Making it $2 seems almost petty to me. Give one to the fans. It will be good for you and them.

Jarrod Wild

I like the $2 option. Making it free just because so many people are being demanding about it will only encourage them to be more demanding (and annoying) in the future.


I say do whatever you were planning to do beforehand (or whatever feels right). In a sense, it would be a shame to let jerks spoil things for everybody else, but that happens all the time. I'd understand if you did either (and $2 US would be a low price compromise). - Edit : I put 'release for free' though yeah, whatever feels right to you.


a full episode reaction will attract to much attention from the production companies and probably lead to your channel being deleted for "pirating content" keep it on patreon and if you do want to increase your patreon numbers maybe lower it to $4 or $5 but don't undervalue yourself.

Brandon Wiesner

Hmm, I'm kind of on the fence with this one. Like you, I'm not sure what I would do if I was in your shoes. Oh but let me get this out of the way, I'm not into the $2 idea and I'll tell you why. Either people will want to donate or they won't. If you do this option, you'll have a lot of people saying well, that was nice but I want to see all of the full reactions now but the $2 won't get me there and there isn't enough content to warrant me staying on it. $7 to me is not a lot of money. $30 is but I would do it if my financial situation was more stable. The point is, if people can do $2/mo, they can just as easily do $7. Making the full reaction available to the $2 tier would be a nice surprise for your current $2'ers but if I was just a YT sub'er, I would either opt for the $7 or not at all. Just my view anyway... Now as far as whether to make it free or not, on one hand, it is a highly anticipated episode. I know you have gotten more comments before and after this one than about any other ep in the Buffyverse, or maybe even any episode you've reacted to. Making it a one time deal would be awesome on your part. On the other hand, like others have said, you risk them being more demanding and wanting more episodes to be the same. Now that I'm rationalizing this while I'm writing it, I'm of the thinking that maybe you make this episode free for YT and make sure to put it in the description. Something like, "Because of overwhelming demand, I decided to make this full, uncut episode available to everyone. Please understand that this is a one time deal, due to how special and close to the heart this one is to so many people. I will not be doing this again in the future for any other episode of any show, so please don't ask. Thank you and enjoy!"

David Caine

I am not against the idea of making it free for the fans that are grateful for it on Youtube, but a full free reaction might bring unwanted attention, and the genuine followers of this channel and the show might suffer for it. However, I don't know how the copyright thing works with this particular show, so it must be taken into consideration. It was never a given that it should be full and free to begin with, people with a brain and gratitude would understand that, so they are not suffering because those DEMANDING for the episode "ruined" it for all. No apology is necessary. A lower tier price for the episode should be a nice enough gesture, but it should not be made much of it, no fanfare and all that, a nice quite gesture.


I was watching the full reaction wondering how youd be able to edit that down but if people are being entitled about it, screw em.

Brandon Wiesner

She would just put a link on YT to the full ep via Patreon, if she decided to go that way.


Maybe you should ask Mark from "Mark Watches ___" what sysyem he uses. He does a 1 time purchase of a reaction download for like $1.99 or something, not via Patreon so not repeating. ("Mark Watches Buffy" will bring his site up since Once More With Feeling was his first download available for Buffyverse)


Oh ALSO: full episode on youtube potentially a problem with copyright. The studio that owns s6 and s7 don't remove strikes like s1-5 studio does apparently. There's some cool kinda creepy sequences in s7, TWB uploaded it but it got permanently taken down; I'm guessing bc the scenes were too intact


there would be a link to patroen for the full reaction i think


My 2 cents: if you want it to be free because it could bring more people to the channel and help it grow, go ahead. If you want to release the full reaction because editing any part of that is too painful 😉, go ahead. If you want to release it because some people are annoyingly demnding, screw them. C’mon, watching all those full reactions for $7 is a steal!

Rey Gallogo

Or if she wants it free because it's a special/fan-favorite episode go ahead


I agree with the first two parts of Khanach’s comment and then all of Rey Galago. I’m sure there are a couple of ass hats who are acting all entitled and demanding but I’m sure the majority of her viewers on YouTube are wonderful, patient fans.

Lisa Kristin

I think you should do what feels right for you. But it would be a shame if the few rude people ruin it for the majority. Also, I don’t know what people have said but sometimes people have a different, more direct way of speaking which sounds demanding but the intent might have just been a request or to share their thoughts. Depending on culture, personality etc, so it might be good to give the commenters the benefit of doubt sometimes.


I think it's important to separate those demanding and those that are just excited. I can promise you the former isn't nearly as big as the latter. Just my brief thoughts on the matter(I'm a rather lenient person). Still, it's your decision at the end of the day, so go with what you think is best.

Nancy Nicolai

I don't think ppl that are "demanding" anything should be rewarded but we are talking TV here so I agree with the $2 tier answer bc it is a highly anticipated and loved episode also it would give ppl an opportunity to view other shows on your pateron so maybe they might pledge more in the future!👍


Hi Shan, I think that the reactions you do are really good and should have some value ($7 or $2) I start on Patreon because of Fool For Love and i loved it and stay, of course, but before FFL it havn't ever occurred to me to be a Patreon just because ive never done it. I think that can happen even more with this episode and is great because you make an amazing work, put a lot of effort and you deserve it. I don´t think you should give your work for free, the $2 option is very good for me because is a nice gesture, and is very affordable, plus people can get into Patreon and check what is in here.


I would do your normal reaction. Then edit a video with your reaction for each song as if they were individual music videos. It’s probably a lot more work, but it would be a lot of content.


If they want a Full Reaction they can PAY for a Full Reaction, like the rest of us!


Free full reaction I'd say.


Remember your Dine-n-Dash problem? This is just like that, only this time the freeloaders are standing outside the restaurant with placards demanding a free meal. And you're going to give it to them?

Timotey Kuhn

I'm also favouring (although it is ultimately up to you, of course) the idea of making it more accessible as a one time thing for $2.00. You do a metric frak tonne of work to keep this up, you should get some kind of compensation. But notching it down to just 2.00 as a gesture to recognise the particular popularity of this episode is good.

Paul Gibson

The 2$ option sounds best for me at least people are contributing to the work you put in that way


I don't know what we have to contribute to your decision. It sounds like it is a business decision, and you are obviously doing just fine. It is such a good reaction that showing it on Youtube could be used as advertisement for Patreon, plus Youtube probably does generate some income. However, it could be used as an incentive to get people from Youtube to Patreon. If it is on Patreon, I think it is a good gesture to let the $2 tier see it, which was my vote. I have no strong opinions. If I was in a position of trust, my advice would be to make a super condensed clip of it to put on Youtube, maybe not even show any clips from the show. It would be a highlight reel of some of your more funny/authentic reactions to the episode. You could post that on Youtube with a link to Patreon. Seeing how most of your audience, myself included, don't run a Youtube and/or Patreon enterprise, I think any suggestion is worth the pinch of salt it should be taken with.

Richard Lucas

I voted for the $2 option because I think it will bring you new members and hopefully a good percentage will stay. Also, I worry that posting on YouTube that it is free might draw a lot of attention to it, some of which can be good but it might also draw attentention to you and Patreon from Fox, which might be bad. $2 seems a safer middle ground. PS Add Xena to your reactions once Buffy ends! Both shows about strong women and both shows that mix humor and powerful drama.


The benefit of releasing a full reaction for free would be that you might gain some new patreons once they realize they want more full reactions. On the flip side, you piss off more people by not giving it away (which is silly, but that's the reality). It's a fine line. Personally I don't think I would release OMWF for free, but the $2 option for that one seems like a good compromise, especially since you've changed to "pay up front". The other good thing is at the $2 range, you'll stop hit-and-runs of people grabbing all past episodes for only $2.