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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E07 - Once More, With Feeling FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Finally! The one we've all been waiting for.


I canā€™t watch until Iā€™m home from work :( but Iā€™ve been looking forward to all these reactions!


Xmas comes early...although it's seemed to take forever to get here. Woohoo!

Adrian G



Merry ASR Xmas!

Clara V.

Watch now or wait for the right circumstances... these are the hard questions of adult life.

Callumbo Heath

I'm so happy to see you didn't know it was a musical! Cant wait to keep watching


Not gonna lie, every time Shan would say, ā€œIve got a theory...ā€ in previous reaction videos, my mind always finished her statement with...ā€it could be bunnies.ā€


I skipped over to the Spike ā€œRest in Peaceā€ scene cuz I wanted to see your reaction and I think I can die happy now :)


Just FYI. James Marsters singing was the inspiration for the musical episode.

Becky Howell

Not gonna lie, I skipped the other Buffy and Angel reactions and watched this first. I will watch them but I just couldnā€™t wait for this! Defo one of my favourite episodes ever and Buffy singing about being in heaven gives me chills every time! Also if you loved the songs there is a cast recording album of the music from this episode :)

Keith Allison

As clichƩd as this sounds, I was actually drinking water when "Rest in Peace" started and almost choked on my drink when Shan suddenly leaned forward in delight .

Thomas Langerwerf

I'm so glad she wasn't spoiled for this. "Bunnies, bunnies, it must be bunnies!"


Out of all the days that Onehub can decide to not work properly on my laptop, it's gotta be the day of Once more with feeling ._.


There was significant effort to keep this episode under wraps. All praise be to the mods!

Chaotic Cam

This was the tv musical to end all musicals. The musical that set the bar. The musical that all other tv musicals wanted to live up to. Not only does it have amazing numbers and voices, but it progresses the plot, and the more you watch it and peel back the lyrics you appreciate it even more.


the first, and only musical i sat through. in fact: the only musical i actually sat down and watched multiple times, after having skipping it the first time through BtVS.


Many shows have musicals episodes, the thing that sets this episode apart is how all the songs progress the plot forward. All the singing had meaning and was emotionally charged. Most musical episodes are filler episodes that are throwaways.

s jaco

Best musical episode ever made!!!!!!!

s jaco

I just really love this episode even after so many years I can sing along just fine.

Craig Evans

I strongly recommend the behind the scenes video of this episode. It's on Youtube. The comments section has my favorite youtube comment ever!

Thomas Langerwerf

fiy, that's marti noxon getting the parking ticket and david fury singing about mustard


I'm sure everybody has their fun facts to share, so here's mine: Alyson Hannigan was super uncomfortable singing, which is why she only sings 2 lines in the entire episode, one of which being the, "I think this line's mostly filler," in the ensemble piece. Michelle Trachtenberg also wasn't the most comfortable singing, but she did ballet so they just gave her the multiple dance numbers instead. But yeah, James Marsters, Anthony Stewart Head, and Amber Benson are amazing singers, and the entire cast did a really good job.

Eric Zebrowski

If You enjoy the songs Shann they did release the soundtrack for once more with feeling. if you want it to go - <a href="https://www.amazon.com/Once-More-Feeling-Vampire-Original/dp/B00J94U48Q/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.amazon.com/Once-More-Feeling-Vampire-Original/dp/B00J94U48Q/</a>


I am soooo excited to watch this right now! I'm sorry if i end up spam posting hehe... I will try not to!

Chaotic Cam

So emotionally charged. "Walk through the fire" and "Standing in the way" always punch me in the feels.

Bria Bey

She finally reached the episode. I'm loving all the Spike love in this reaction because he is my favorite Buffy character.


Best thing about the episode imo is how just about every song has so much meaning behind the lyrics. You can tell Joss spent a lot of time coming up with each and every one. I knew you'd love all the Spike stuff though, your reaction was priceless.

Michael Roach

Wow. What a joy to watch, your reaction was wonderful all the way through, it's always been my dream that you could somehow make it this far without knowing what was coming in this episode and somehow you made it. Every one of these songs is chiseled into my brain and they come out all the time. I suppose that's what a good musical is meant to do. So glad you loved it as much as we all do...and hats off to everyone who didn't spill the beans and allowed her watch it without being spoiled.


Perfect reaction to Spike's song! OMG... same... lol AHHHH I'm so happy you love this... I was scared you might be one of the odd ones who hate musicals... eeeep!


This is still the best tv musical ever made. Itā€™s worth a rewatch because itā€™s hard to pick up on the lyrics because the singing is so out of wow here and amazing, but the lyrics have a lot of depth on their own right. Iā€™m so happy that this wasnā€™t spoiled for you. It was the reaction I have seen to this episode.


Just one thing that I want to add, kind of a downer. That scene with Willow and Tara? Their song? That was rape. Not "mindrape." Just rape. Willow roofied Tara. There are drugs that make you pliable and forgetful. I'm sorry, but it has always bothered me when that is glossed over.

Chris Peacock

You have now seen my all time favorite hour of television period. Glad you enjoyed.


10000% i think this is really my fav episode of the whole series haha... now and then I just put it on for no reason, on its own, just to watch and sing along... AND we have the album so we listen and sing in the car to this as well!


omg yes! the behind the scenes of this is so good and so much fun too

Claire Eyles

The demon, who actually doesn't have a name but fan's call him 'Sweet', is played by a guy called Hinton Battle. Singer, actor, dance instructor, choreographer, one of the stars of the original 1975 Broadway production of The Whiz, 3 times Tony Award winner and winner of the Fred Astaire award for his role in The Tap Dance Kid, as well as performing alongside such luminaries as Debbie Reynolds, Shirley McLaine, Joan Collins, and Elizabeth Taylor, and training under George Balanchine at the American School of Ballet. The man is a Broadway and dance legend.

Sheriff Uchiha

James is actually a professional sing and so is Tony. Not sure who else is. James has done some great work both with his band and solo.


I love this episode so much.. the only thing that bothers me is how Xander is responsible for the deaths of innocent people, didn't come clean about it until it was revealed that one of them summoned the demon and nobody takes any offense to it? When any of the others fuck up, they get called out :D

Brendan O'Connor

Was not disappointed by this reaction. If Spike can beat Angel at anything, singing's definitely one. Dawn's unhealthy coping mechanism: trying to get attention the wrong way, i.e. stealing and sneaking out (could've been said last ep, but Willow's seemed to be more prominent.

James Miller

I love this episode. But sorry, James Marsters is flat and pitchy in this. Definitely the weakest of the major parts. Not that I don't like the songs, I'm just being honest. And in fairness, some of his songs were tough to sing, with odd key changes and time changes and such. Anthony Head and Amber Benson had the best voices, for my money.


At the scene where Anya and Tara are providing Buffy with "backup", Amber Benson (the actress that plays Tara), messed up her part near the end; you can see her laughing in the next shot then hiding behind the pole.


Wooow this is may favorite episode ever , for Buffy and everything else, even now im amazed on how good is it, how good the songs are and the singing. And there is so much progression on the characters, it just blows my mind... and heart.

Richard Lucas

1) someone else mentioned David Fury and Marti Nixon as the mustard guy and parking ticket lady so I thought Iā€™d expound. Fury is one of the most talented Buffyverse writers but also a frustrated actor so Whedon occasionally lets him be in an episode. Bizarrely, heā€™s in my favorite Buffy and favorite Angel episode. Marti is the second most important person to the show after Joss, being his co-executive producer, and a talented writer in her own right. And they both sang great! 2) The broom dance in the background as Giles, Xander and Anya walk is an homage to the movie Roger Rabbit I think (have you seen it?). 3) beady eyes are associated with rats so itā€™s sort of another way of saying someone is a rat. 4). Have you reacted to Jossā€™ Dr Horrobleā€™s Sing A Long Blog? If not, please please please do!! 5) Joss is an old time musical fan, so Spikeā€™s Line about a 300 pound Chirago demon making like Yma Sumak is hilarious for the one tenth of 1% of the audience who got the joke, basically she was a 50s singer with a 4.5 to 6.5 octive voice, world famous at her time so of course spike would know of her. 6) Iā€™m not sure I would watch the making of yet, as there might be spoilers, though I canā€™t recall any. But so many loved this episode, there are countless live versions of this musical you can watch on YouTube that have been done on college campuses all over the world! 7) you would think it would be impossible to follow this episode, but the next episode is also a favorite of mine! 8) this is not just my favorite Buffy episode, but my favorite tv episode of all time! Iā€™m glad you werenā€™t spoiled but I was a little afraid you might not like it as you once mention not liking Into the Woods (musicals) previously. 9) this is the unedited version released on video. The originally aired version was just a bit shorter to fit the air time, with small things snipped out here and there. The only one I remember off the top of my head is Xander asking if he had to be the demonā€™s Queen isnā€™t in the originally aired version.


About Spike, im all the way with you girl, he is just awesome. I love that in the song "rest in peace" he is singing from a dead man perspective, is not the demon, the vampire that is sinning to Buffy is the dead poet William. Is kind of he is resurfacing for his love for Buffy, thatĀ“s why he just wants to "rest in peace" and let the demon take over again (just a theory). all though after this ending i doubt he will ;)

Jarrod Wild

After season 5 wrapped, Joss wanted to take a break and shared showrunning duties with Marti Noxon for season 6. So what did he do with his time off? He spent three months writing this musical. I wish I could be a tenth as productive with my time off.

Claire Eyles

That's interesting about a shortened version being aired, because in Australia we got the full episode, no cuts. Until you mentioned it just now I had no idea there were edited versions of this episode screened.

Andrew Pulrang

I envy you seeing this without knowing it's a musical. My recollection is that when it first aired, everyone knew it was going to be a musical. It still blew pretty much everyone away, but I don't think it was a secret. I do believe there was a lot of skepticism going in, because there was a pretty poor track record for musicals on TV. in the early '90s I believe they tried to do a police procedural show called "Cop Rock" where the whole series was a musical. And it bombed big time. So in a way, Joss revived interest in musical episodes by making this one a success.

Kelly Marie

Havenā€™t seen this episode in so long and here I am singing along, knowing all the words. Spike is just extra yummy in this ep.


can we take a minute to just appreciate joss whedon, he didnt stop at just writing and creating an amazing show but learned to write music and lyrics and just happened to make what is widely recognized as one of the best musicals ever on tv,those songs he created are so damn good, catchy, emotional, fun and relevant and important to the show...how does someone just do that? the man is crazy talented


So excited...can't wait so I'm watching this out of order! Who am I kidding, I'll just watch again after I watch the other episodes that were uploaded today.


I was GOING to suggest that when you finished this episode, you could immediately react to it again with the lyrics on... because these lyrics are absolutely PACKED with jokes, references, and sexual innuendo. Maybe I SHOULD have suggested that. Also... it IS kind of amazing that you managed to get all the way to this episode with out hearing about "THE BUFFY MUSICAL".

Jarrod Wild

UPN was advertising the musical non-stop for several weeks before it aired. Back in 2001 there was no way any Buffy viewer wouldn't have known it was coming. They aired the 50 minute version the one time and I taped it, and I wore the tape out rewatching it. :)


Also, at the end Shan asked "why are they still singing if he left?" Before he left, he sang the words "Once more, with feeling" which I always took to mean that his spell would linger on for one more song after he left.


i'd definitely suggest going back and rewatching the episode to listen closely to the lyrics. once you get past the initial shock of hearing everyone sing and you watch the episode again you can really appreciate what they're singing about.


Oh my god your reaction when spike started singing cracked me up so much cause I do the exact same thing every time I get to that part of this episode lmao also that kiss AHHHHHH!!!

Vincent Valentin

literally just realized that buffy and spike are wearing matching red and black clothes in the final scene. Ive seen this episode idl how many times and just realized this.


This was such a joy to watch. I don't think I've ever seen you so happy during an episode. Thank you for a wonderful video.

Cheyne Johnson

It's amazing you weren't told this was a musical. So much better to get somebodies honest reaction to what is my favorite episode of the entire series.


There are many surprisingly sexual references in the lyrics.

Jarrod Wild

I think I'm part of the one percent who got Xander's "respect the cruller, tame the doughnut" joke.

Brandon Wiesner

Haha, I like how you said when it started, "This is why everyone was excited? A musical episode? That's what I'm in for?" Then after watching it, "Ok, this is now in a 3 way tie for my favorite episode."

Rachel Espiritu

I thought I knew what love was before. But now I understand, nothing I have ever seen compares to the love in Shanā€™s eyes when Spike started singing...

Rachel Espiritu

Also Shan, I guess we should tell you... James Marsters actually still sings with his band Ghost of the Robot. If you ever make your way to the US (cough WhedonCon 2019 cough), you should make a point of seeing them. :)


This has got to be my absolute favorite reaction from you. When Spike started singing, I thought you were coming through the screen. I am dying LOL!!!!

Katherine Thoreson

It was actually several of the cast members. Joss would have them over at his house for Shakespeare reading nights that would often devolve into jam sessions. He already knew Anthony Stewart Head was an accomplished singer, James Marsters has his band, Ghost of the Robot and plays guitar, he talks about Amber Bensonā€™s ethereal voice.....thatā€™s when he realized he could make this happen. He had a three week vacation at one point, and thatā€™s when he wrote this episode and all the music for it. I may have watched the bts special for this episode on my dvd once....or twice.......or more times than I care to admit. šŸ¤“

John Sturchio

it's really a great experience to see someone watch my favorite episode of one of my favorite shows for their first time. Sometimes I wish I could erase Buffy from my head and watch it all over again


Although several people have mentioned some of these points I just wanted to share my opinion as to why I think this is the Best TV musical episode ever. 1) The songs and episode as a while significantly progresses the plot and is a turning point for the season, especially for Buffyā€™s character. Other shows that have done ā€œthe musical episodeā€ would have to try really hard to justify why it was necessary to have a musical episode, if it really does anything to improve the season or show at all. But here it does. 2) this musical episode was created and done with love and care and meticulous attention to detail. Joss loves musicals, he really wanted to do a musical episode, and he set out to invest in the resources to make the best musical episode he could. Other shows after this (after 2001) included a musical episode only because the network execs kinda forced them to do one, not cause the writers or show runners wanted to, which is why a lot of those other shows arenā€™t as memorable for their musical episode. 3) original songs and lyrics by Joss Whedon. Again, this was done with love and full intention, as well as original lyrics allow you to progress the plot in a very clever way. Other shows just did covers of popular songs, based on how it would best convey the emotions or messages of certain scenes. But give credit to where itā€™s due in Buffyā€™s case: Joss is just a super talented dude. 4) while other shows just gave songs to the actors that they knew had singing experience/good voices, in Buffy, Joss took full advantage of the idea of an ensemble cast, and thought long and hard about what each of the main characters had to say in the songs he wrote for them. And props to the actors here that didnā€™t have much experience singing (Sarah Michelle gellar, nick brendon, Emma caulfield) or were downright uncomfortable singing (Alyson Han Ivan and Michelle trachtenberg) because they all gave their all. Side note: bringing in a celebrated super talented Broadway legend and Tony winner for playing the musical demon is awesome. And also showcasing the singing talents of crew behind the scenes (Marti Noxon, David Fury) cause they have really good singing voices too. 5) this type of genre show actually allows the use of a musical episode and actually makes sense to do this cause itā€™s a fantasy supernatural show so of course they would do something wacky like start breaking out into song and dance. And the. And the characters are aware that itā€™s happening to them as well, again because the genre of this show really allows them to. Other shows just have characters singing for the audiences entertainment, but is isolated from the other characters because thereā€™s no logical explanation as to why they would be singing within the context and world of the show theyā€™re in. Just my 2 cents....awesome reaction ASR!!!

Emme C.

That was fun. I think Spikes chip didnā€™t go off because he didnā€™t intend to harm anyone really. It was like choreography kinda for him. Rough choreography, but part of the performance all the same.

Emme C.

Also, I canā€™t believe you donā€™t like Into the Woods. Thatā€™s just crazy talk.

Rey Gallogo

Anthony Head and Amber Benson did have the best voice... I'm so over her being dick-whipped with Spike. I roll my eyes and skip those parts. No offense.


Spuffy Forever!!!!


"Sweet" is referenced in the end credits of the episode.


But during season 6 of Buffy, Joss also started working on creating Firefly.


Unfortunately not everyone has seen or appreciates the amazingness that is the movie Magnolia :(

Collete L

Best reaction ever!!!

James Miller

Oh, I should mention, this episode is where I first fell in love with Amber Benson. I'd always thought she was attractive, but she was just stunningly beautiful in that dress in her solo song, and then that voice. I still swoon watching it.

James Miller

To me, THE best musical episode. It was intelligent, well written, great songs that weren't just filler (Willow's line excepted). It had a reason to be a musical episode, it wasn't just there because a star wanted to show his/her skills.


Squueeee!!! Iā€™m probably the 100th person to go ā€œBunnies, bunnies it must be bunnies!!!ā€ - oh, just checked, only the 2nd ! Surprised. :) [That and more parts of Anyaā€™s verse, were until recently fabulous grafitti in the toilets of my fave local punk gig pub. But then it was a frequent gig space for The [ā€¦.] - the best queer London feminist Buffy punk band ever!! ( Well, ok the only, so awesome. The bandā€™s name is a spoiler, so Iā€™ll direct Shan to them later.) Every song is about Btvs :D &lt;3 &lt;3 Also, the band members hate Riley and wrote a song about it - I think Shan might like them. :D (OK - very off tangent, sorry!) Like nearly everyone else Iā€™ve been waiting 6 ā…“ seasons for this!! Despite that, I actually restrained myself and watched the other 2 episodes first!! Was tough, but wanted to see Shans reactions to the episodes building up in order to stuff that happened here. Taraā€™s song was VERY Disney wasnā€™t it - I love all the different musicals styles &amp; tropes in this. Shan - just have to let you know that I was kinda unintentionally mimicking you in delight at your reaction to Spikeā€™s song. Beautiful voice eh? Um, Spike can be my willing slave any day .. what was that about a nice leather collar in the last episode? ( for the bell :) ) Of course Antony Stewart Head has a gorgeous voice, that we heard 3 times in season 4 - about time to hear it again! :) Amber Benson voice is amazing! So beautiful, Tony &amp; Amberā€™s harmony together. Wow. Everyone does great though. SMG, fantastic - and Nicks &amp; Emma's song &amp; dance routine is so fab and fun. Story from the set - a lot of the cast were worried about doing a musical episode, either because they were not musically trained, or because previous musical TV episodes had not gone well. After they all watched the footage for Anya &amp; Xander song &amp; dance number though (the first to be finished I think?), they all knew how amazing it was gonna be.


Annnnd - the curtain closes on a kiss !! As all classical Hollywood musicals do. Shan you are wonderful and amazing. The most amazing reactor I have ever seen. Love you. xxx Adored your reaction, enjoyed it so much. LOVE that you re-watched Rest In Peace. xx OK, Iā€™m gushing now, :D Btw, Spikeā€™s chip didnā€™t go off cos he was just throwing chairs about, and he grabbed hold of the lapels of the priest and that was it. From what Iā€™ve always seen , people ran and I donā€™t think any got hit by a chair.


I always wanted Lorne to turn up in this episode! Heā€™d be in awe at the whole town singing. :D Wonder how he and Sweet would get along. ;) There might be a bit of mutual envy over suits. xxx ā€œI can bring whole cities to ruin, and still have time to get a soft shoe in. ā€œSomethings cooking , Iā€™m at the griddle, I bought Nero his very first fiddle!ā€ god I LOVE those lines. And Sweet is incredible, played by - oops, too late Claire Eyles has already said of course! -oh, well, the fabulous Hinton Battle.


Is funny that Anya was so upset because her "I Never Tell" song wasnĀ“t a musical hit material, but she had the "Bunnies" song, and that was a huge success :)

Timotey Kuhn

I think someone else has already mentioned this idea, but I'll just rattle it off again to make its point very loudly known....You REALLY should, ,as a Re-watch, play either the behind the scenes "making of " about this episode , or replay the episode itself with Joss Whedon's commentary playing over it. PUUUUUULEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAASSSSSE????????????


Favorite reaction so far. Also my favorite episode. Thank you!


mods šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


Willow's spell doesn't work as an analogy for a roofie. A roofie-drug could make you forget the sexual act and/or render you unconscious/unable to resist/unable to give proper consent during the act itself. Willow erases a specific memory of a fight. There are no drugs that work like that.

Einar SigurĆ°sson

Shan, I have been waiting anxiously ever since I first saw you start this journey to see this reaction :) you are the best!

raymond julien

This is definitely an episode one can re-react to...Shan do the dance of re-reaction.

Craig Evans

I only just noticed that the last line of the bronze group sing was: "The curtains close on a kiss, god knows"

David Caine

I remember watching this when it aired and so amazed at the fact that such a "silly" fun episode would do so much for the characters and it all fit right in with their world. And that amazing resolution and ending.

Timotey Kuhn

Also......since no-one yet has seemed to mention it, can we please get a great deal of love for the ram head demon during Buffy's opening song who sung "She's not even half the girl she ...........................owwwww". ;) :P &lt;3

Einar SigurĆ°sson

Hey Moderators, you should definitely let her watch the Making Of this one, itĀ“s great fun

Ian Victor

I had to skip ahead to watch this. I love that you enjoyed it as much as we'd hoped you would. And your reaction to Spike's singing parts - and the ending was perfect. Best. Reaction. Ever! :)

Tammy L. Faulkner

about to watch... I'm so excited!!! been waiting forever!!! yay!!!


The actor who plays Spike was in a band in real life I believe.

Tammy L. Faulkner



Only 88 likes i thought there was almost 600 people on here


I'm afraid I skipped the other two episode reactions to watch this one because I just couldn't wait. :D

Jarrod Wild

94 likes now. Just gotta give it time, it only posted yesterday. :)

Jarrod Wild

If you watch closely when he attacks the funeral, all he does is knock chairs over, scare everyone off, and grab but not hurt the reverend/priest.

Patrick - Excelsior

Same here, I also Skipped episodes to see this. Loved it. Best reaction yet. Would love to see her react to the behind the scenes for this episode as well. Its on y-tube. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNG4ra6F9Xw&amp;t=10s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNG4ra6F9Xw&amp;t=10s</a>

Patrick - Excelsior

FYI...Beady eyes: small, glittering eyes, especially eyes that seem to gleam with malice, avarice, or lechery.


Adding perfection-spell-Jonathan to Xander's lists of supernatural heartaches. ASR, your Buffy watch is such a fun unique experience to me. I was a teen girl during Buffy's run, got sucked into the show even if it was a smidge too mature. Tbh Spike was too much to handle for teen-me. Used to record the shows on VHS and afterward rewatch all the Spike parts :p :p Eventually BtVS ends; follow high school, college, work, weddings, blahblah boringboring. It's hilariously fun to see your experience b/c suddenly I v i v i d l y remember what it was like them 15 years ago. Honestly sometimes a scene would be so great or "interesting" I'd flip the channel a second just to be like 'HOLD ON...PROCESSING.'

Patrick - Excelsior

Anthony Head is a great singer as well as actor. Did you know he was in a London theatrical version of Rocky Horror Picture Show where he played Frank-N-Furter. You can see him sing the entrance song at the following link. (This is at a cast reunion show they did, not original play). <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNGjabZFewo&amp;index=2&amp;list=FLHUFIbCn2ZsjKHiZ5HhnhfA&amp;t=0s" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNGjabZFewo&amp;index=2&amp;list=FLHUFIbCn2ZsjKHiZ5HhnhfA&amp;t=0s</a>


Ok, I just finished the first of the many many rewatches I plan to do of this awesome reaction to what I consider the best episode of any tv show ever, and I don't even like musicals. Such a genius, such a bold move that could have gone horribly wrong, pulled out by the hard work and love poured into it by the whole team. That's why I became a patron, I needed a full reaction to this one (but don't worry, I'm not going anywhere).

James MacDonald

Shan deserves lots of head pats after this reaction. It was adorable throughout.


Hey, Shan. Could you hear us all singing along while we watched your reaction? :P


Yes your Mod's are amazing! I love that there was no spoilers about this episode.

Mike Woodcock

Praying Mantis, Inca Mummy girl, Anya, Dracula, Sweets . . . and Cordelia!


This is just.... the best reaction ever.


I am honestly shocked you managed to make it this long without finding out it was a musical. Yes, your mods are great. And your reaction was everything we ciuld have hoped for ;)


I want nothing more than see your Reaction to the Commentary for this Episode ;)


My favorite (singing wise) have always been Spike, Giles, Lindsay then Tara šŸ’œ


Theres also a behind the scenes making of this episode. I'd think you'd like :)

Scarlett Monrow

54:01 - oh, that moment when you realize that "is it really happening....yes...the curtain will fall on a kiss"! 58:31 - I was sure you're gonna make kissy sounds into the microphone :) 1:02: 52 Also, of the now three favorite eps, what is number 2? I heard something like "fufala" (sorry).


Shan at the beginning of the episode "I canĀ“ t sing through this" me thinking "you will, you will" ; )


THis was incredibly delightful to watch. Besides the quiet singings along, I was clapping and jumping out of my chair watching you watch that kiss. and you got to to see the end card sing grrr-aargh!


I suspect a big percentage of viewers know all the words to all the songs.


i have 3 facts only two are fun. Amber bensons natural register is lower, she was asked to sing higher by joss but she wasn't sure she could. Tony head liked her singing so much he asked her to guest on his 2002 album 'music for elevators'. When buffy is dancing at the end, she's trying to kill herself.


been a long time since I watched this one, and I can still sing every line. This was by far the best reaction video you have done yet Shan, totally worth the wait, honestly I would have been happy paying 15 bucks for this one.

Jarrod Wild

If Shan has access to the DVDs, the featurette is on there. I agree it would be cool if she posted a reaction to it. :)


Loved your reaction, though it was I


Why canā€™t I see what Iā€™m typing well loved the reaction and I was happy that you got your long awaited spuffy moment. Been waiting to see this one for a long time thank you


I always liked Giles saying 'the police were taking witness arias'.


Ok. It


I was going to say, ok. It has been a week and I am STILL singing these songs. I can't get them out of my head.


Sooo satisfying watching you enjoy this! A few minutes in, when you seemed disappointed, I thought I was going to be annoyed if you didn't like the episode. Then your eyes lit up and you fell in love and I fell in love


it is such a rewatchable episode!


It's a shame your first viewing wasn't in stereo. The subtle singing and lyrics in the songs are just as important to the progression of the story arc as the regular dialog. So much information was expressed in this episode and makes it very rewatchable to catch the little nuisance why it was done the way it is.


Might be cool for you to consider doing a reaction for Joss's other musical--its own little stand alone project Dr Horrible's Sing-Along Blog. (With that and 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer' you can kinda tell Joss likes titles that almost dare you not to watch...)


Such a genius line, and they kind of sneak it in there.


You should definitely have a look at the behind the scenes for this episode, it's on youtube:)


She will melt into a puddle, which would be fun to watch, but who ever has to clean up the mess wont thank us.


One thing that I love about this episode is that they actually beat the bad guy without using violence.

Loves Bitca

Until today I had only watched the Youtube edited versions of Shans reactions. I didn't know about her singing during the opening montages, so I didn't understand when she said that with her not knowing it was a musical.


Anyone else think Buffy looked completely psychotic during Something to Sing About when she said the line "To be like other girls"?


No worries Zander! People died, got burned alive, but we all had fun so.......

Patrick Lyke

The evolution of this episode: *shan says she hates musicals way back when* - *shan realizing this is a musical* - *shan falling in love with this musical* - *shan melting with spike*.......BTW Shan please *PLEASE* do a dual reaction with Liam Duke with this episode, only because I wanna see your re-reaction to watching this with someone who has not seen it yet!!!!!!! :)

Jordan Haddow

Loved the episode. I can't imagine the work they put in to make it so good. Still, musical aside, the inner secrets they were all singing out to the world held a lot of importance to me. I really watched Shan close during the Tara and Giles duet to see if she caught on that they were talking about leaving the show. I've seen hints of it coming in previous episodes, but this episode appears to be confirming they are leaving Buffy and Willow. It doesn't appear that she read that from the song.