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Buffy The Vampire Slayer Season 5 - My Thoughts

These are my thoughts about SEASON 5 of BUFFY. Your questions are answered. As of posting this video, I have seen 6x3. Angel thoughts video will be out shortly. Please do not spoil things. If you want to join the Discord: https://discord.gg/eUhf6mM If you want full uncut reactions: https://www.patreon.com/AfterShowReactions If you want updates follow me on twitter: https://twitter.com/aftershowreacts



No supernatural this week?


Sorry, there is. I just havent gotten around to editing it yet - I know it should be out by now but I had lots of problems this week. I have promised to have everything out by Sunday though (which is tomorrow for me)


Thanks for the thoughts video ASR. Can’t wait to see your Angel Thoughts vid. And hopefully you get those likes on YouTube so we can get more thoughts videos in the future :-)


Great reaction video! So sorry about spoilers ...again. People are just, well, the reason I watch your videos here and not YouTube. I made the mistake of reading the comments there. One was trying to justify it. I mean, come on! It's so easy NOT to do it. Anyway, season 5 was such an emotional ride. I am glad you liked it. I love Spike too! One thing I would like to know: Do you LOVE or HATE Joss Whedon at this point? LOL I still don't know.


I always watch your thoughts videos, so I would be happy if they continue :) And the thing with the spoilers.... I totally get your frustration. But the sad thing is, you can try to explain yourself as much as you want, there will always be stupid People on this planet who won‘t understand stuff like this because they only think about themselves... You can‘t change them. So to lower your frustration level the only thing you really truly can do, in my opinion, is take things into your own control. You can‘t be spoiled if you have watched stuff already. So for Future shows I would suggest not to upload episodes right away, but give yourself half a year or so in advance before you upload stuff. It will make life a lot easier, I guess. As for Buffy it might be too late, but might be better for Future shows. I don‘t know. Just trying to help. I don‘t want you to be frustrated ;( Love your reactions. Keep up the good work.


Spoiler issues make me sad. I see it with all the reactors. Some viewers and some fandoms are worse than others. I keep trying to understand it a bit better.


I've been thinking about this a lot. I feel like what I've been observing in human nature recently is that we are all much MUCH worse than we think we are at seeing other people's perspectives. I see this in the comments on reactors' videos, in the political situation in the United States, and in my personal life.


You should add a new category to these end of season vids - Top 5 spoilers from the YT comment section. And maybe an award for the 'winner' - like maybe getting perma-banned!


Terrible idea! Disregard. :P


I really like the idea of a 'wall of shame' for the worst offenders, but I think you're right...it's a terrible idea. It would incentivise the attention seekers to go that one step further. Perhaps a better idea would be to tack a 5-10 second clip on the end of each reaction saying something like "If you're thinking of commenting please do....don't....etc". Harder for people to get pissy in the comments when they're challenged if they've just had the rules literally spelled out for them.


ASR: "Some of you are perfect" You noticed!

Eric Haefele

You are absolutely right that a spoiler spoils it for all of us who hope to see an honest first reaction. But you're wrong if you believe that you can solve the problem by appealing to your viewers. There will always be some that won't get the message. And there will always be some that feel such a strong need to share future knowledge that they will be unable to resist the urge. The only way to prevent spoilers is to avoid direct communication with random commentors. It makes communicating with random fans cumbersome if you have to go thru a third party. But that is the trade-off that must be made if you want to keep your first reactions honest.