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The Magicians S01E01 - Unauthorized Magic FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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YAY magicians! Got a love-hate relationship with this show

Chaotic Cam

Yes! Can't wait to sit down and watch this. ❤

Thomas Hansen

I read the first Magicians novel and have rarely hated a book more. Completely put me off wanting to watch the show, even though I keep hearing good things about it.


I watched season 1, then read the book and I *hated* the book. But the show is outstanding, it's one of my alltime faves


Thank you for the reaction Shan! The Magicians is one of those shows you have to watch a little more episodes and the story starts picking up, and I love how the show has a little bit of everything from the magical aspect to even the ridiculousness sometimes. it's a lot of fun :)


This show gets so good as it goes on. Dammit now I’m going to have to rewatch this series.


inflicting pain can often disrupt suggestion, or act as a reminder. like hitting your finger with a hammer, trying to listen to someone talk, and remembering the conversation later, is damn near impossible, depending on your pain tolerance. this girl is quite brilliant! try thinking right after stubbing your toe... your not going to do much thinking beyond how to make the pain stop. so she was prepping to avoid "suggestion". give her brain something it cannot ignore, the better chance to avoid said "suggestion". like being drunk or tipsy, hurting yourself can sober you up pretty quickly... though cold water is much safer (the sudden cold water is a shock to the system the brain will immediately try to address and counter, by shivering.


thanks for being my guinea pig for this show... would seem, its not for me. i'm not interesting in sex in shows, let alone over-the-top sluts (male or female) (i watch censored versions of GoT for crying out loud lol). i'm definitely not the target age for this show. even so, i could go on for a while about what i'm not likely about this show. It has a boat load of potential, especially with the girl in the forest. the best friend (or whomever that girl he was hanging with was), was handled SO stupidly! quite clearly piss poor writing for her character. I hope they can redeem her! complete cliché, almost this entire episode was one big cliché. reused and recycled. nothing original. sorry; it seemed like a show i could really like in-spite of the target age. just had a really bad feeling about it. thank you Shan for watching it, now i can finally move on :) hope it improves, but everything around the idea, is just too over the top for me. ok that's spot on... all the characters... they are simply too over the top. as though the actors/actresses are trying too hard and need to relax a bit. over arcing story: girl in the forest, bug-eye-plucker at the end 7-9/10 - intriguing character relations 5/10 acting: adult characters 5-7/10, younger 4/10 writing for story: 8/10 writing for character 3/10 believability: 3/10 overall, not a show i'd watch right away, but if it improves, i might give it another shot.

s jaco

I love the magicians, but it's definitely one of those shows that takes a while to pick up, kind of like Buffy. I actually think that the magicians is currently the closest thing to Buffy as a show as it deals with real topics along side the magical aspect (Most shows get lost in the magical at some point). The diversity in characters is great and the characters only get stronger as the time moves on. S4 airs next year and I'm very excited. It would definitely be on my list for you to watch completely once you have space along with Gotham.


You should give it another shot please! All the writing of the characters are really good especially in later seasons. The thing that happened to Julia wasn't stupid it's a reason for it. You will find that out later this season. The pacing and story is really good. It can get dark at times so keep that in mind. It's not one of those weirdly high sex shows like an HBO show either so you don't have to worry about that. They do have sex scenes from time to time and have some sexual things happen, but it's not over the top. So, give it another episode or two. I really hope you like the show and have a nice day! :D


I'm with you 100% I really hope she watch Gotham it's so amazing ^_^. The complete show not just the pilot.


I think I lost interest during season 3. It got so confusing/intricate and looooong and kinda boring tbh. Don't know if I'll continue this..

Nancy Nicolai

Its strange and amazing!!💜🔮


Honestly would be down for you to continue, I haven't caught up with it recently but I really need to lol. It's quite interesting and I enjoyed the first season a lot.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Ok... this was never a thought for my must watch list, but know... I have to know what happens next. Is he Quintons dad... is he his enemy... is he gonna turn Quinton into something... is Quinton or one of his new friends about to do something to this MOTH guy...? I need to know... I HATE CLIFFHANGERS! Its going on my list...


This is my first time watched it, I might watched the rest just to know what happen.