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 Below I will list the pilots that people have selected at the $30 tier.

(Everyone at $2+ will have access to view these pilots when they're released).

  • Studio 60 On The Sunset Strip S01E01 - "Pilot": Zutroy.
  • Eureka S01E01 - "Pilot": Shashank Singh (1 hour 25 minutes exception paid in full).
  • I can't remember what he requested - "Pilot": Debisib.
  • Twin Peaks S01E01 - "Pilot": Willow Rosenberg.
  • Lost S01E01 - "Pilot Part 1": JJ.
  • Bleach S01E01 & S01E02 - "The Day I Became Shinigami" & "A Shinigami's Work": Erock. (2 episodes due to the episodes being 20 minutes each).
  • Black Mirror S02E01 - "Be Right Back": Rudy. (Anthology). 
  • Erased S01E01 & S01E02 - "Flashing Before Your Eyes" & "Palm Of The Hand": Dev Bhavsar. (2 episodes due to the episodes being 20 minutes each).
  • The Secret Circle S01E01 - "Pilot": Jason Short.
  • Undecided S01E01 - "Pilot": Arrhmn.
  • Chris Peacock - Skipping this month in order to request a movie for October.



I haven't watched most of these (or even heard of a few) but I'm definitely excited to see your reaction to The Secret Circle pilot and that episode of Black Mirror. I hope you enjoy all of these!


Can’t wait for “can’t remember what he requested”. You’ll love it.

Brandon Wiesner

So, just curious, because it seems some pilots are continued with the rest of the show and others just end up being a one off. How is it decided which ones you'll continue to watch? Does it depend on your feelings after watching it?


abit confused by some of this post but theres a $30 tier where she will react to just the pilot (second episode if only 20-30 minutes show) . she dosent really start any new shows unless its a spin off


Excited for Twin Peaks. I'm not sure if it's your thing or not (it's super weird and abstract) but I love it and am excited to see your reaction. I expect a lot of "what?!"


Seeing Bleach spelled as Bleack gave me a chuckle. Cool to see people recommending anime though, there's a lot of good stuff out there.


I would love it so much if she did Lost in it's entirety. To me, that's the only show that's ever matched Buffy/Angel with the emotion and feels.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Ok... so out of this list The Secret Circle is the only one I HAVE seen... Its pretty good in my opinion... I feel it has a vibe of another show you react to, wonder if you'll get that same vibe.