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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S06E03 - After Life FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Keith Allison

Spike seeing Buffy coming down the stairs, back to life, is one of my all-time favorite moments of this entire series. The way he goes from a brotherly/parental worrying over Dawn to a complete loss of words as it hits him is such a beautiful piece of acting by James Marsters. Probably the scene reaction I was looking forward to the most this week, and I'm glad you were as delighted as I was first watching it.


Her saying " I knew my friends were alright" doesn't connect to our universe in any way from how i understand it what she means is just that she felt completely at peace and content without any worries whatsoever. She was in heaven, and all the people she loved were there with her in spirit. It was more like a really good plotless dream, nothing really happened it was just warmth and love and safety surrounding her. She didn't get "messages" from our universe as that would ruin the point of heaven if the mortal world would affect it.

s jaco

The spuffy in this episode always gets to me. It's beautiful. I love season 6 and I'm glad you've arrived here.

Signe (Seena) Stewart

Spike seeing Buffy and all their subsequent dialogue is what makes this episode one of my favourites. Because it's so beautifully acted by both Sarah and James. So understated, but poignant. Oh, my Spuffy heart! ❤


I'm glad you're glad Buffy's back :)

Claire Eyles

"It'll be better now. Now that they can see you being happy. That's all they want." Raise your hand if you've ever experienced an episode of depression and had feelings of major relatability during this scene. *raises hand*


your reaction to Spikes "every night i save you" speech was eveything 🙂❤

Becky Howell

When she tells Spike at the end that she was in Heaven it breaks my heart every time! Her life is so hard and she has had to struggle so much (bearing in mind she’s only 20 at this point). Everyone relies on her and for her to finally be free and be happy and at peace and then torn away from that happiness it’s heartbreaking, but you can’t blame them because they didn’t know where she was. Also the portal could have taken her to say a ‘heavenly dimension’ as it wasn’t specified to hell it literally tore down the walls to every dimension.


Her friends were ok because she was in heaven and she was done. They were no longer her responsibility. She lived her life and lived it well, so it was ok that she moved on.

Thomas Hansen

Also, she'd literally stopped the apocalypse. Again. Living in Sunnydale, I think they got to expect some basic level of danger at all times. So as long as the world isn't ending, I pretty much feel they're as safe as they can be.


God, i love James Marsters acting, this season in particular he is truly phenomenal in my opinion... his face when he see’s Buffy, how he has been what she has been through and can be the quiet strength she needs... contrasted with the scoobies being loud and pawing at her... god, and then buffy’s reveal to him at the end... i remember my first watch of this episode, my spuffy heart was so full, but my buffy heart was so broken... here’s to the ride of s6!


The joke about potatoes is because you plant them in the ground with dirt so if a person wishes to be that dirty they might as well be used as a walking garden. Sounds like a joke Joyce would make.


I love Season 6 so much. My favorite of them all by far. So many adult themes get tackled and the acting and the emotions are beyond amazing by everyone. It is really cool, witnessing someone experience it for the first time.


I think her being in heaven, being "complete" was her gift. Death. As to her friends, they would have been with her eventually, so in that sense they were okay :) But yeah, they weren't doing so hot in this dimension/time.


I remember first watching it, and I was like, "duh! Of course she was in heaven. Why wouldn't she be in heaven? She's Buffy! She saved the world a million times!". I actually felt kinda dumb assuming she was in hell. I mean, I know that's what the show wanted you to believe, but we all should've known better, lol. I love this season so much.

Andrew Pulrang

Agreed. I think the implication, if you want to dig into it, is that when you die and go to heaven, it's because your specific part in your friends' lives is done, and in the immediate sense, where your involvement is concerned, they are okay. They survived the incident. Anything after that is not your responsibility anymore, and for the Slayer, that's got to be a massive relief.

Jarrod Wild

There's a clever shot earlier in the episode when Buffy is "patrolling" and she passes a statue of an angel. The camera pans so that the angel's wings appear to be part of Buffy. Sort of foreshadowing of her conversation with Spike at the end.


Spike breaks my heart in every scene, I love how gentle he was with Buffy taking care of her wounds, and all of his dialogues. I start watching BTVS in season 6 so I didn´t get much the emotional weight of what was happening but without knowing much the "Every night I save you" speech from Spike broke my heart anyway and stay with me for a long time, I remember thinking to myself during this scene "wooow this show is something " and here I am a true Buffy fan :).


Her friends were alright in the "big picture" sense. They were leading mortal lives, full of joy, sorry, happiness, and pain - just like all mortal lives. They were all fighting the good fight against evil though - just like Buffy did. Had they suffered and died at the hands of those demons they still would have been alright in the long run because they would have gone to a happy and peaceful rest - just as Buffy did. So, in the eternal sense, they were alright and were going to always be so just like Buffy.


'147 days yesterday. 148 today' ‘Every night I save you’ - I still always tear up at that one! James Marsters acting in this episode is absolutely incredible. The scene when Spike sees Buffy on the stairs, so beautiful, always gets to me. James face in that scene, and his others with Buffy in this episode - so very open and emotive. James does incredible work as Spike, his best - it’s cos he was method acting ( he talks about it quite a bit - but not for Shan yet of course! There be spoilers in interviews.) SMG too, so much expressed in that scene on the stairs, and in the crypt, with so few words. And SMG’s acting when she reveals that she was in heaven, so understated yet powerful. Ah, Buffy - what a revelation. To be dragged from peace, and rest back to this world. My poor Buffy. ( Um ok, not ‘this’ world - we don’t live in the Buffyverse with vamps & demons & magic, but it’s like a version of our world, very close, and this actual world we live in is very harsh, so it’s all a metaphor.) Like others I was really looking forward to your reaction to this episode Shan, amazing reaction, a joy to watch.


It makes us happy and guilty at same time at the end, explaining the truth to Spike. Joss Whedon totally got what George RR Martin later quoted in 2011 . . . "I've always agreed with William Faulkner—he said that the human heart in conflict with itself is the only thing worth writing about. I've always taken that as my guiding principle, and the rest is just set dressing."


"I knew you were under that dirt somewhere." Love the double meaning.


People are posting a lot of hints about what season 6 is like. Shan might prefer that you not post those.

Timotey Kuhn

@ 2:54.... Mumfar!!!!! LOLZ

Scarlett Monrow

What Dawn said, about "planting potatoes", it means that Buffy had so much dirt on her that you can grow potatoes in it.

Brendan O'Connor

Willow wanting a "thank you" from Buffy in this episode was really selfish, I hope this doesn't get me shunned however it had to be said.


A I'm 61 and my mum would still say 'I could grow potatoes in that dirt' in any of her children/ grandchildren/ great grand children; so really old joke!


B I remember in season 1's Nightmares, when Buffy meets with her father...and went from happy to totally abandoned and devastated in one scene...It took me out of the show for a second as I thought...OMG this Actress is extraordinary. Perhaps here she's even better, playing off James and the rest of the cast...Give good actors good writing...good show...give extraordinary actors extraordinary writing...legendary status deserved!


Loved Dawn protecting Buffy!

Richard Lucas

I had totally forgotten the demon in this episode. It’s an absolute call back to the season 4 episode Superstar, a powerful spell with unintended consequences linked to the spell. All I remembered was that haunting final scene.


The group dynamic in this episode reminds me a little to 3x2 "Dead Man Party" Buffy suffering, the gang not connecting with her feelings and asking things from her, and in the end she taking it all in for the sake o the group :/

Alexis Cardarella

I don’t get the too young for coffee thing either. There’s like 5 times the amount of caffeine in a can of pop.


Ah the way spike looks at her when she is coming down the stairs.. i can't handle it, its simply beautiful.


I got so angry with the Scoobies after I watched this Episode the first Time. If I was in their Position I would have tried to find out where Buffy's Spirit/Soul is before I even thought about resurrecting her. It's kind of funny, I liked Willow & Xander less and less as the Series progressed till I started to like them again in the middle of Season 7. (I won't say more because of Spoilers).


Children aren't supposed to drink things with a high amount of caffeine in them as it is dangerous to their heart rate. This includes drinks like Cola.


thats already kinda spoilery, cause that confirms they make it to the middle of season 7

Eric Haefele

Buffy knew that her friends would be all right "in an existential way". She now knew there was a heaven dimension and that her friends would end up there no matter what might happen to them here in this dimension. How she knew it is not for us to understand. Anyway, that is my theory as to the meaning of Buffy's statement.