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The Vampire Diaries S04E10 - After School Special FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Aww I'm sorry you're not enjoying this season as much, it's one of my favourites. Hopefully focusing on all the Delena and ignoring Stefan and Caroline as much as possible will make it a little better lol. Stefan is absolutely being a dick, but he did just get dumped for his brother and he's a little bit in denial about it still. I think he was doing okay at first because he thought this was largely due to the sire bond, but now every episode it's just being shoved down his throat that it might not be and I don't think he's ready to face that. I think he's right when he says in this episode that he just needs to know. He needs closure about how the sire bond has affected Elena's feelings for him and Damon (and to be fair, so do Elena and Damon). Nobody in this love triangle can move forward with their lives until they know what's real. Try not to let his angst get to you <3

Chantelle Miles

it wasnt Stefans beliefs lol and its a different situation, Stefan was protecting Elena not Rebecka since he knew she would'nt be able to cope with that guilt of killing someone, he was also trying to advise her from his past mistakes. Stefan wanting to kill her now is due to him being drunk n pissed off too along with Rebeckas threat to Elena (shes already killed her once) so id say its a completely different situation, i was annoyed and frustrated by Stefan most of this season especially when it came to Elena/Delena, Caroline too, she spoiled both sex scenes with Delena, trying to make it look like Its Damon's fault for Elena wanting him and dumping Stefan lol which is ridiculous since before episode 7 all Damon did was the right thing by his brother, he defended Stelena more than once and told Elena everything Stefan's been doing is all for her. Love how u ship Delena ...im a huge Delena fan even more than JuliDG which is saying something


dont worry stefans angst will come too an end soon!! he just in his feelings right now lmao, i think you will really start to like him a lot once all the post break up stuff dies down


I think Tyler broke the bond by turning until the pain was acceptable and he wasn't afraid of it. Not until it was "numb".

Janeka Rector

This is about consent and violation. When he turns at his will he’s in control and isn’t afraid of the pain. No matter what it hurts. Remember how Mason said it hurt every time? Klaus’ sire bond was about being free from a traumatic experience there is no control over. What Rebecca did was take his power away and force him to hurt himself at her whim.

Frank Tremel

The fact is Elena slept with Damon just after they broke up. As if her feelings for Stefan didn't mean enough to wait. Stefan felt as if he meant nothing to Elena that she didn't care enough to not sleep with his brother only a few days after they broke up.

Keith Engel

No Stefan simply put is a sore loser, hints of all of this and his reaction once she chose Damon was spread through out all the seasons prior, in how he would respond. Stefan was pretty much putting on act as it were, to show himself as being better than Damon, it's how he copes with his own guilt. The biggest one was the big deal that was made about respecting her choice when Esther wanted to see her last season, which Damon was right about, because it did ultimately put her in danger. Also of course start of this season with the choice concerning Matt and the wreck. Yet, when she chose differently, one that didn't go in his favor, one that shattered his personal world view of being better than Damon, he couldn't respect Elena's choice, couldn't respect Elena at all, and Damon as well. Caroline doesn't help the situation either. So the cure isn't about regret at all, it's literally him being in denial, as we even see after the compulsion matter, he just can't accept the truth.