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The Vampire Diaries S04E08 - We'll Always Have Bourbon Street FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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a great reaction, 100% behind you, i remember being so triggered at the time... After getting my ship afloat trying to sink it so fast, so angry


To your question about alpha (as in alpha male) being a maskuline term: About 15-20% of (real life) wolf packs have female alpha wolves.


Giiiirrrllllll you are not gonna get ANY hate from me. It's been years since I've last seen this episode and watching it again with you infuriated me all over again. Yes, Damon has done bad things, but it's not like an equation where you count how many bad and good things someone has done and then decide whether or not they're a "good person". Damon has done bad things and good things, and it all makes up his personality. Also, I'm sure neither him nor Stefan are the same people they were 70 years ago because that's AN ENTIRE HUMAN LIFETIME that they've had to learn and grow. Stefan and Caroline are just pissy because they want Stelena and I understand that. But they're hurting Damon and Elena more than they have to be in this already incredibly difficult situation, which isn't fair. Ugh!


Stefan's hypocrisy sometimes drives me crazy. Just a few episodes ago, Stefan was keeping secrets from Elena and lying to her, but when Damon suggested that, if they find a way to break the sire bond he won't have to tell Elena anything about it, Stefan gets very judgmental about Damon keeping something from Elena. And Stefan also, in just the past year, made a deal with Klaus to save Damon's life that required him to kill probably hundreds of innocent people. And just a couple episodes ago, Stefan made another deal with Klaus to save Elena's life that involved killing a hybrid who was a good guy and who had just helped him earlier that day. Yet somehow he feels justified in judging Damon for killing 12 people 70 years ago?


I think Bonnie kind of gets what Elena sees in Damon. When Elena told Bonnie that she kissed Damon she wanted to know how it was. Yeah Tyler’s speech didn’t really make any since.

Bria Bey

Stefan and Caroline irritated the mess out if me as well for most of the episode. Especially Caroline with all her judgemental comments about Damon. I mean she goes out of her way to make Elena feel bad about liking him. I mean she could at least do what Bonnie does. Just not really comment on the situation at all. I always felt like Damon understood Stefan more than vice versa that's why Stefan never sees the true picture of some of Damon's actions. Stefan was totally being a hypocrite this episode.


I might be in the minority but I actually like when you rant about characters whom frustrate you and plot holes that don't make sense, like you pointed out how it's really rare to have a sire but Damon had two. Your growl and pauses were funny but insightful because i agree especially about Caroline and her judgemental taunts at Elena like she was gonna change Elena's mind about how she feels about Damon just drove me insane! So much nagging Caroline how bout' you just try and be understanding like a real friend should be. The thing that bothers me the most though is that we as an audience have to always be weary when it comes to Damon and Elena as a couple from everyone on the show telling us they are wrong for each other, it's infuriating and I know where you're coming from.

s jaco

I get Caroline, I do believe that you should warn your friends when they might make a big mistake, but if they didn't listen the first time, then at some point you just have to accept it or realise you cannot be their friend. I did actually lose a friendship because I got tired of telling my friend the same story over and over and she never learned the lesson, it was draining me to watch her constantly destroy herself. This wasn't the real reason it didn't work but definitely one aspect. A friendship is based on looking out for each other and being there when things go wrong in my eyes, but there needs to a good energy above all else, a equal give and take.


fair enough in that aspect but elena wasnt broken yet so she had no reason to continually bully her into a situation where shed have to let her feelings for damon go

s jaco

True, that is why I said if it doesn't work the first time, you should probably drop it, cause now to the viewer and to Elena Caroline comes of as whiny and too persistent. Though I understand in general why Caroline isn't team Damon. She has her memory back after all and Damon used her as a bloodbank in S1, which might feel like a long time ago but to her is little over a year. So her mistrust of Damon is understandable, especially since he hasn't been warm and fussy with anyone else but Elena. Stefan never personally, deliberary hurt her, so she'll be team Stefan for sure. I also have another theory here for Caroline's behaviour but that would spoilers, so I might get back to it later after the season is over.

Chris (darkwater)

Oh, Caroline totally meddles. She simply cannot help herself.


I've been binge-watching your TVD reactions. Wow, seeing your reaction about Caroline medling about Delena happening is exactly how I felt about that entire situation as well. I love Caroline, I do; but this season is where I was annoyed with her for a bit. So I understand what you're going through. Don't worry about what others think on how you feel in a certain situation. I think Damon gets cornered a lot for his past. It's really frustrating when other characters are forgiven for doing the same thing; but Damon seems to always be the one where rarely anyone gives him much of a chance.


watching you watch this, is EXACTLY how I felt ... Stefan and Caroline are soooo nosey and involved, trying to make everybody do what they want lol. With the cure, with elena and damon.... ARRRGHGHG!!

Keith Engel

Got to love how they tied this all in, no one questioned how and why Damon knew that Tyler was sired. Even though I'm not the biggest fan of the misdirection that is the Sire Bond that is being used. I always appreciate how something only slightly mentioned in a previous season becomes a plot point.

Keith Engel

As a writer, the creators used a great deal of misdirection in all of these matters, the characters making a fuss about Elena changing, the sire bond issue, then of course the Cure issue. All being used to cast doubt and try to create doubt in the audience members, and even Damon of course. All used to cast focus on what Elena keeps saying. Also, as I recently realized, there is a reason they used the flashbacks to Elena prior to the accident, to show us who Elena was prior to the accident, and to connect the dots with the times she had spent with Damon, to how she would act like that Elena, the one in the flashbacks, the one we heard other characters only talk about, but we never saw up to that point.

Keith Engel

I know I'm one of the few people who dislike Lexi, at least what I have seen in the reaction community. Yet, I think this episode really shows at times, how she actually was part of the problem not the solution, and kept the brothers apart and from healing and bonding sooner.

Keith Engel

Happy Elena, everyone was concerned about Elena being happy, Season 1, Season 3 when Stefan left, yet when she is, they don't like it? The judgement is what keeps breaking that, from the Dancing at Frat party, and everything in this episode.