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Hey Guys!

If you're here to watch the rewatches of Smallville with me, we're doing season two now!

I picked a few episodes from the second season to rewatch as listed below. If you have a favourite you want me to rewatch and commentate please do not hesitate to comment and let me know! 

Without further ado;


Season 2 Episodes:

  • - Vortex
  • - Heat
  • - Red
  • - Ryan
  • - Suspect
  • - Rosetta
  • - Exodus


Jason Short

Suspect is a good episode and one of my favorite in season 2

Jason Short

Rosetta good pick Christopher reeve my superman


Hmm....skinwalker is good as well, and sets up all the stuff with the cave. But not a big deal if you think you have too many already :)