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now if i can remember to do this every week




Hi. Do you mean Monday, August 6th etc...?


Love the design! For a better viewing experience I recommend watching Buffy 19-22 and then Angel 19-22.

John Sturchio

Definitely watch buffy eps 19-22 before angel 19-22


The most important though, is that you watch the Buffy finale before the Angel finale!


Nah, as I jokingly say all the time, "Numbers. There are WAY too many of 'em."

Chaotic Cam

Jumping on the bandwagon here, but it's really so much better if you watch Buffy 19-22 and then Angel 19-22. Buffy finale before Angel, and then the last four Angel episodes really shouldn't be broken up and should be watched together for the best viewing experience.


Hey guys, these episodes were chosen very carefully in this particular order. Many of us came together to decide upon order. Trust us, there were very specific reasons we decided on them! :)


Hey! these episodes were chosen very carefully in this particular order. Many of us came together to decide upon order. Trust us, there were very specific reasons we decided on them! :)


Hey! these episodes were chosen very carefully in this particular order. Many of us came together to decide upon order. Trust us, there were very specific reasons we decided on them! :)


Considering the aired order is B19, A19, B20, A20, B21, A21, B22, A22. I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

Tammy L. Faulkner

Y'all are gonna give Shannan a migraine! The schedule is just fine girl. No stress just try to enjoy the shows when you watch them. Don't think about us... We will watch them anyway they go up.


Rich, just please encourage Shan to include the “previously on” reaction for B5/22. :)


Great to see this back, very helpful. I watched Buffy several times before I watched Angel so I have no thoughts on the viewing order. Tammy is right though, regardless of the schedule, I'll be here on Thursday 6pm my time to watch them :)


I understand the desire from everyone to do B19-22, followed by A19-22, as the ends of both these seasons ramp it up to 11 and if you watch them in airing order, as many of us first did (myself included), it can feel like you're having to break up the momentum the shows are building. However I'm sure Shan and the people around her have their reasons, and she has full authority to do whatever she wants with her channel. So as much as it pains me to have to wait another week for 5x22 (my favorite episode of the series), I will continue to eagerly anticipate Shan's reactions. She never disappoints!


I don't really have an issue per se, as someone else already mentioned, I just didn't want her to have to break the momentum of the seasons. I'm not on discord though so I guess I'm just not in the loop here. Again, not really a big deal, we can just politely disagree and move forward.


I’ll check it out! It really depends on what copy she’s watching.


Point taken. there were lots of discussions about this... and there were a bunch of factors that went into the decision outside of the what actually flows best. There were reasons. 😁


Thanks, Rich. I hope Shan’s copy has it. It’s only about 30 seconds long, but I’m sure she’d love it, and I’m sure the community would love seeing her reaction to it.


Freddy, is it available on YT, if her copy doesn't have it?

Brandon Wiesner

If I had to guess, I'd say because then there would be no Angel one week and no Buffy the following week.