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Angel S02E12 - Blood Money FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Jon Dub

Love this episode, nice throwback to Buffy. As for them not remembering each other, they said two sentences to each other at a party 4 years ago. :) I know I dont remember everyone I have ever spoken to :) Plus Angel is like 250 years old, he isn't going to remember everyone he has ever seen.

Thomas Hansen

Angel and Anne not recognizing each other is my favorite part of Anne being back. And not at all unrealistic either; they met for less than a minute over three years ago and I often have trouble placing people I know way better than that.


To add on to Jon and Thomas, also it wouldn't really make sense for Angel to mention that he knows Buffy. How would that work? Anne never mentioned being saved by Buffy, if she had, then Angel might have mentioned knowing her...but it would be really weird if Angel just blurted out that he knows Buffy. Should he do that to everyone he meets? "Hi, I'm Angel, oh and by the way I know Buffy."


First of all, I went into this reaction excited to see if you would recognize Anne from Buffy. You did! (Then again you also caught that vamp feeding off of Riley as the same one turned by vano willow, so......). But just to add to the previous comments, I think Angel wouldn’t recognize Anne since they only chatted for a couple minutes and also she was heavily covered in emo vamp makeup. And Anne not remembering Angel, well she could’ve been under the influence of drugs or something at the time of Chantarelle (heck she could’ve been actually taking shrooms lol). So yea, never really bothered me they didn’t recognize each other. Just the good continuity (that whedon shows do so well) had me enjoying this episode a lot. And about Cordys hair, I actually like this shorter do she has now, much better than the first cut. In fact on the dvd extras, the actress said she wasn’t really feeling the first haircut so she got another one.

Keith Allison

By the way, I just wanted to take this moment to say that the Emmy nominations were announced earlier today and Alexis Denisof (Wesley) just got his FIRST EVER career nomination for his performance in "I Love Bekka & Lucy" in the "Actor in a Short Form Series" category. I've always loved Denisof as Wes and wish he had gotten an Emmy nomination at some point during Angel's run, so this news delighted me and I thought I'd share!


Stop being mean to Merl!


HOLY MOLY, Shan. You are incredibly good with faces.


I've always thought it was amazing that we see "Anne" after more than 2 years, and she's transformed her life and herself... after benefiting from Buffy's help!


Ditto for Ann. I guess pushing Hell Demons off a balcony does wonders for ones self confidence.


Angel is too mean to Merl... and I don't even LIKE Merl.