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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vmfk7fvbrmsz2l9/Buffy%20The%20Vampire%20Slayer%20S05E11%20-%20Triangle%20FULL%20REACTION.mp4?dl=0

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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E11 - Triangle FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris Peacock

So the "What ya doing?" "Playing soccer" joke. That's my most used Buffy joke. I use it probably 4-5 times a year. lol

Chris Peacock

You wanna know why Buffy really took down Riley's pictures. Because the show would still have to pay Marc Blucas if she didn't. lol


"I wish I had a million dollars." is my favorite Willow joke in the entire series. Gets me every time.


This is not the bestest of episodes, but it had some unusual groupings of characters interacting.

Keith Allison

Hahaha, this was one of your best singalongs to the intro yet.

Timotey Kuhn

Awwwww.. I wanted to hear the rest of your guitar mimickings, but you interrupted it for "Blondie Bear"!.....Sheesh.... ;) :P LOLZ

Timotey Kuhn

"Stop being insightful. It's creepy"..... Gotta love those backhanded compliments... ;) :P


Yes, gold star for the intro song. Does anyone else want the recipe for Spike fried onion thing?


Is that true, Chris... or are you making a funny?


I'd like a recipe to make my own Spike. Does that count? lol