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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S05E10 - Into The Woods FULL REACTION.mp4 - Onehub

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Chris Peacock

Honestly, I never hated Riley. But I do agree he is a weakest of Buffy's love interests.

Chris Peacock

I don't care for Into the Woods as a musical either and I LOVE musicals.


I'm glad Riley left. His relationship with Buffy was so destructive for him, that it would have killed him if he didn't get out.

Chris Peacock

In my opinion, this episode had Buffy's all time best random vampire fight. Not her best fight overall, but her fight with the brothel vampires was about as good as a fight can get against not main enemies.

Nick Velasquez

Riley was such a crybaby I couldn’t stand him.

Chris Peacock

I'm gonna say this and hope I don't get attacked for it. Lol. Xander was 100% right in this episode. Yes the show will be better off without Riley. Buffy's personal life will be better off without Riley. Riley will be better off without Buffy. That said it's important to remember what Xander actually said. In his entire conversation with Buffy he said to go after Riley sure. But remember the most important word he said in that little speech. IF. Xander wasn't really saying that Riley was the guy. He said as far as he could see he was but he made it clear that IF he wasn't let him go. Xander didn't know how Buffy truly felt, but he did know that she wasn't thinking clearly so he didn't push her to chase Riley. He pushed her to make the decision. Which ever way it went.

Chris Peacock

And I honestly believe that given more time Buffy would have just let him go. I still think she would have went to the helicopter but just to have a friendlier goodbye. She didn't have time to think though. Xander helped her think clearly but he couldn't magically give her time.

Chris Peacock

Xander and Anya are such a great couple.


Bye Felicia!!! 😂 fuck riley lol... he’s been a wet blanket from the start, so cringe in s4, wah wah wah, and now this? He’s been crazed since the initiative drugs got out his system and he wasnt extra-strength-guy, he’s struggled to deal with buffy being strong and in charge, with her not needing him to save her and take care of her. He’s an old school guy, with old school upbringing and thats fine, but thats not a life he’ll get with buffy... and for him to be so desperate and needy that he cant understand buffy needing to peace out for awhile and deal with her mum almost dying, and take care of her mum and kid sister, then so long sucka! I hate that xander speech he gives buffy, who is he to tell her what she should feel or make her feel guilty when riley is the one who ruined the relationship... i think buffy loved riley but wasnt in love with him, maybe he was easy and convenient but not a whole lot more... but xander had no right! Yet when buffy was broken over angel he was always the one to shame her and put the relationship down. He’s always trying to judge her and control her love life! Erghhh! This episode makes me so mad too!! Dont hold back your reactions! (Also, that spike and riley scene 😱)

Chris Peacock

To be clear, I'm fine with how you felt about Riley. Just in case. EDIT: Kate is still gonna get a full defense from me eventually though. But that will be directed at everyone. ;)


So lemme preface this by saying I don't like Riley. Like most people I agree he is the most boring and frustrating love interest for Buffy in the show....But the one thing I never quite agree with is the straight up Riley hate that a lot of other people seem to have(thankfully you explain your dislike rather for him well.) I do I believe Buffy was in fact treating Riley like rebound guy even before her mom got sick, and I think the show sorta goes out of its way to point that out, to the point where both Spike comments on it multiple times and Xander makes a speech about it. Yes Riley made stupid decisions and cheated and acted like a douche, he was a bad boyfriend, but Buffy was also a bad girlfriend. They were both terrible for reach other, Riley just decided near the end to be the worse of the two. Also helicopters are loud lol. I always got the impression that Riley couldn't hear her. EDIT: I hope this doesn't sound like me hating or telling you off. This is just my two cents about the whole Buffy/Riley relationship. You have been way more receptive to Riley than A LOT of fans are.


No need to walk on eggshells, I'd rather have your reaction than a censored version. I suppose it's easier for me because I agree with you. I wasn't even going to bother watching this reaction because this episode is infuriating on so many levels. I don't even need to explain why because you've already done it. Buffy's argument with Riley, Xander's speech with Buffy... yeah not handled well. I decided to watch it because Xander's speech with Anya afterwards is so beautiful that it's worth it for that alone.


Been waiting awhile for your reaction to the end of Riley. So fun :)


Riley himself didn't think he was right. Still, I think it is important to remember that all he wanted was to be a good boyfriend to Buffy. The accusation that it was all about his macho-pride is a little unfair. Riley wanted to be as close to Buffy as Angel was. I think Xander's point is good, and it is important to remember where Xander's argument comes from. He himself has a deeply flawed girlfriend who loves him with all his heart and until today, he hadn't given her the validation she craved. I don't have a problem with people hating Riley, because there are many reasons to hate him, but if Spike can empathise with him, then so can I.


I agree with you, no one should force their opinions on you, we are all different. Maybe Blondie Bear has a shot now that Riley is gone instead of sniffing panties lmfao, that is funny and pathetic, poor Spike. If only Buffy knew how creepy he was being stalking her and sniffing her clothes


Also this isn't a spoiler because it's my own interpretation but in the opening scene of this season Buffy vs. Dracula, we see that Buffy can't sleep when she's next to Riley so she has to go for a slay, the way I interpret it is that she always yearned for that darkness and she didn't feel it around him so she went to go slay. I think? Idk, it could just mean she can't sleep because she knows there is evil out there but just my own theoryl

Katherine Thoreson

I find it interesting that you’re getting as much hate as you are for hating Riley. I always thought that hating Riley was a pastime for a majority....like high majority.....of the fandom. lol 😂 hey you take your thoughts and opinions and stick to them. There are a lot of differing opinions on the show as a whole. I mean they don’t have Buffy studies in universities for nothing. 😜


so long captain cardboard! 😆


Love the way you went off on him for his foolish and inexcusable behavior. His reasons were flimsy. Yes, I do think Buffy was not as emotionally available towards him as he was towards her. He needed her to NEED him, as in to take care of and protect her. Buffy not only didn't need that she didn't want it. IMO that was the core of the problem with their relationship. It didn't have to mean the end of their relationship though if Riley had just come out and talked to Buffy about it. He could have been honest about his needs and insecurities and maybe Buffy would have opened up and let herself be a little more vulnerable with him. As it was he couldn't open up any more than Buffy could. That, combined with their different needs doomed their relationship. I felt really bad for Buffy, her life can be so hard and she deserves happiness. In the end however Riley just couldn't overcome his insecurities or be honest about them when he could have.


Just something to add (and this isn't a defense of Riley, I hate him as a character). However, I don't know if you are in a long term relationship, so lets do a hypothetical with your parents. Let's say your mom's mom gets sick and goes to the hospital. How long do you think it would before your mom called your dad to let him know what was going on? If your parents have a good relationship, it should be ASAP. Couples should deal with major life issues, as couples. The show specifically showed Buffy sitting around at the hospital for hours waiting, doing nothing...and she never called Riley. She let her friends know. Willow knew, Giles knew, even Xander and Anya knew....but she didn't think to call her boyfriend? That is not a healthy relationship. Oh, and if you remember, Riley has said numerous times throughout this season that he doesn't believe Buffy loved him. So, if she actually did, she should have said it at least one time (she has never said it, or even implied it the whole show).

Chris Peacock

I did an informal poll once on Riley opinion. It got over 1000 votes so not the biggest sample but still. Anyway it was honestly a 50/50 split. Well. 52/48 but close enough. I just think the Riley haters are more vocal. I'm middle of the road. I've said more than once. I don't like him as Buffy's boyfriend but I do like him. He was actually pretty cool before they started dating. He is the one who decked out Parker. lol


just a passing word here: all Riley wanted, was to know if it was possible to fix things. if he had destroyed everything, he'd leave. if things could be fixed, he'd stay no matter how long it took... just to be clear, I don't hate Riley, nor do i like him. liked the people around him though! well, at least a few of them anyway haha. thinking the whole "you didn't call me when your mom went into hospital" wasn't about him really, it was about his desire to be their for her. from a guys perspective, i can understand what he had to deal with, she wasn't emotionally available, and Riley knew a big part of why, was her mom: completely fine! but she completely side lined him, and generally ignored him. while all he wanted, was for her to lean on him, he was there for her, despite the pit he got himself into due to Drac. he was there as support, and she completely ignored his efforts to help, even so, he stuck around, just in case he needed him. instead, she ignored him, and that's what his problem was; well, that and the addiction he had got himself into. And THAT Ladies and Gents, is how you turn a 'passing word' into an essay! lmao


I agree with everything you said here....it seems some people focus too much on the mistakes that Riley did in this relationship and don’t acknowledge the mistakes Buffy did. Xander spelled it out at the end here, and about Xander treating Angel badly, and judging her relationship with him? Well yea, he was an immature horny high school boy and had the major hits for Buffy and was jealous of Angel, plus not feeling comfortable around Angel after season 2 and killing etc. Compared to when Riley comes into Buffy’s life, Xander has matured about his feelings about Buffy and doesn’t feel jealous of Riley, he sees Riley as a good guy for his best friend, and possibly someone he can relate to and hang out with. Both Buffy’s reactions and Riley’s were very human and they both made mistakes. It just took Buffy longer to realize what she knew deep down all along. That Riley was not the guy for her. But I’m glad you explained yourself ASR and I totally agree that Riley is just not a well written character, but somehow I see him as a necessary experience for Buffy to go through and continue growing as a person.


to clarify, minus the addiction... a lot of guys would be the same way... its in our nature, to desire for others to lean on, or depend on us when things get bad. and when they don't, we don't know how to deal, so we try to distract ourselves, while making sure to be there when/if we are needed. sometimes, like Riley, that distraction is sometimes, unintentionally self destructive, for him, a curiosity turned into a dangerous addiction. this went on for far too long however, Riley should have sat her down long before this and reminded her, that he was there for her, whenever and for whatever. but it came to a head in a very ugly way...


As much as I absolutely love this show, it's disheartening how toxic the fandom can be sometimes. If you don't feel the "right" way about a character, then you just don't understand the show. That drives me crazy. I love ambiguity. I love conflicted characters/motivations. I love how we all interpret situations and scenes differently. That's fascinating to me. That being said, I was definitely among the people screaming "don't look down" as the helicopter flew away.


THREE Buffy Episodes and Angel and the leaving of Riley. Pretty good day! Your reactions are so good. Don't ever change for anyone.


iv met james marsters (spike) at supernova last year, his really nice :D


i feel i can relate to anya because i have autism and i can think literally sometime and say things without thinking XD


I met Amber Benson at comic-con several years ago and she was so sweet and nice. This show hires good people :)


I feel like this one of the rare examples in this show of just plain bad writing. Like "Wild At Heart," it feels like they had an actor leaving (or a character who no one liked and they wanted to get rid of, in this case), and they wrote up a badly structured melodrama and then expected us to play along emotionally and find it deeply romantic, instead of just... problematic on so many levels.


Don't really feel like going super in-depth here, maybe I will on YouTube once the video gets posted there. But I just want to say that both Buffy & Riley are majorly at fault with how their relationship turned out. Who you want to put the blame on more I suppose is debatable, but they both made big mistakes that led to the end result that we get here. The ultimatum is pretty harsh though since Riley could have probably joined the army guys later on if he felt like the relationship with Buffy wasn't going to work out. But I suppose he was just at a point where he was done waiting and needed to know whether or not Buffy wanted what he wanted. Did she finally decide that she did when she chases after him toward the end of the episode? Hard to say. I personally don't think so, but at the very least she was scared of losing him in that moment. Anyway, now that Riley has left we shall see how that changes things.


Afta. When I remembered how this episode ends, I was SO happy for you. Riley left!! We can't talk about what happens later in the series, but in THIS episode, he left. So... yay!

Michael Roach

Don't ever let anybody lecture you about how you should feel. These are YOUR reactions and nobody else's. If they don't like it, they can get their own channel. Just keep doing what you're doing, reacting honestly from the heart and don't worry what anybody else thinks.


I hate Riley, but Buffy was far from blameless even. I don’t really feel like listing reasons, but Buffy largely started taking Riley for granted and was kinda being oblivious. Communication is always a two way thing and they both failed miserably. Riley should of stepped up on his before he essentially started cheating on her, which was pretty inexcusable though. However, Riley left so who am I to complain, it just feels like it’s more of a grey situation than a black and white one. In a serious relationship your partner should be one of the first to know if there was a major issue, it was a solid point from him. Literally, everyone knew but him. That kind of behavior is like a guarantee of problems in a relationship.

Alexis Cardarella

My first time watching this, I was a teenager, and I clapped and cheered as Riley was about to take off and Buffy came running.. And then I felt guilt and a bit of sadness honestly after he took off.. And it took me at least one more watch to realize the ambiguity I had for him.. To see the faults of Buffy in terms of their relationship, and have my empathy grow for him... But, YEAH, don't tip toe.. The fandom can be absolutely militant about this shit, but I think the majority of us are reasonable people.


I've tried posting this comment a couple times but it didn't show up...so if it shows up multiple times...my bad This is my favorite reaction of yours so far. I’m with you 110% about Riley. I have sooo much to say: I’m going to comment on two things: Riley and Buffy’s relationship and Xander’s speech to Buffy People often say Buffy is partially at fault I disagree….. I don’t really think trying to find a more stable guy for a rebound is a mistake….I don’t think not being madly/crazily in love with someone in the first year of your relationship is blameworthy…it’s what people do……it’s a right people have. I also think because Xander’s and Riley’s speeches are well written people take some of their casual assumptions as true when it is just their bad interpretations of what’s happened. For example Riley keeps saying he loves Buffy more and feels more passion for her throughout this season but I never saw him actually express through his actions more love or passion then Buffy…..maybe just more need and insecurity. What has he done to show his love???? Who’s the one that’s actually been more committed to this relationship? After the initiative….Buffy took care of Riley she stuck with him through his painful recovery she helped save his life form drug dependency when he would have gotten himself killed….she never blamed him for his flaws, but tried to help him make some peace with reality. When he was in need, she thought “what can I do to help him” [even when it pissed him off] and did what she thought was best for HIM and communicated with him about it [arguing sometimes]. Now when Buffy’s mother is ill and she needs him… all he can think about is how can I make myself more needed by her emotionally…if he really wanted to express his love, he should have focused on how to make this easier for her[not just saying it repeatedly but actually doing things like Buffy did] try to figure out what she wants/needs…talk to her about it[argue if you have to]….instead he’s obsessed with his own needs ….it is self-centered narcissism disguised as caring…..if you really cared you’d be there with the other person through their hard times not obsessing over your insecurities and acting out in destructive behavior. The only ways she wasn’t there for him was that she never fulfilled his “ideal” of a traditional girlfriend role…of being emotionally needy for him….the fact that she was the strong one in the relationship, she was the dependable one, he was the needy and self-centered one was too much for him to acknowledge as true and then work on making the relationship better. Until he acknowledges what’s actually happening I don’t think there is much he or Buffy can to do improve things. In some ways their relationship was a very traditional kind of dysfunctional relationship, it’s just the traditional gender roles were reversed. She didn’t’ verbally express her care/feelings, but she was reliable and strong, she had a mission in life….he was feeling unfulfilled and wasn’t happy just being supportive, he wanted to feel more needed and desired. The only thing I disagree with you on is that I believe Riley is written well, he just written as a HORRIBLE boyfriend to Buffy even as he’s an okay guy outside that relationship. Also his flaws are very believable, and his self-delusions are so convincing they convince some people into believing them true. Now to Xander’s speech to Buffy: I think Xander saw Angel as competition and was jealous of him and hated him because Buffy loved him. While he sees Riley as a better version of himself and almost identifies with him, and the fact she still doesn’t love him as much as Angel pisses him off to no end…even the best version of himself isn’t good enough for Buffy [he isn’t]. I hated Xander during his speech to Buffy about HER relationship. Seeing she’s emotionally vulnerable he made no effort to ask what was going on with her, what she was going through. The opposite of how he treats Riley. I think his arguments are wrong even as he is sincere in believing them right….buts it’s his lecturing and condescending tone, his emotionally bullying guilt trip that really pissed me off….no concern for Buffy’s feeling or trying to figure out exactly what happened….just blaming her for being left by a guy again [like she blamed herself for her dad leaving in season 1]…. As if Riley has nothing to do with his own choice to leave when things get tough…his own choice to act out with vampires when the relationship isn’t going the way he wants… A lot of what Xander said actually applies to himself a lot more in relation to Anya. Luckily he took his own advice and had that moment with Anya at the end of the episode. I have a lot of thoughts about Xander and Anya but I’ll wait for a latter episode to express them. In some ways Xander speech if given to Riley would work well also and be more accurate. He’s the one that shut down, a lot of guys shut down by acting out and not communicating I think Buffy runs after Riley because Xander guilt trips her and she’s always ready to blame herself when things go bad… I write a lot of things forcefully, not because I believe there aren’t other legitimate interpretations but because I want to be clear in what I’m saying and also I’m right this one time lol Sorry if my posts are a bit pedantic but I’ a very bookish person, that’s just how I think and talk :) 


That is an excellent point -- he's making a big deal that she's shut off, when he's been holding this stuff in for months and never spoke to her about it. It's seriously a case of the pot calling the kettle black.


You scared me when you flipped out at Riley lol You had serial killer eyes there for a second! <3


But...but...what type plastic wood grain...pine...jarrah...cedar?


Was about to get My After show reactions Buffy and Angel fix but the open hub says the files are not found, is it just me?

Timotey Kuhn

Try using a different browser & cut & paste the OneHub address in there. Every now & then , the Firefox that I try to use doesn't seem to work, but then I use Microsoft Edge & it works.

Timotey Kuhn

What you have just hit upon, dear ASR, at 28:48 is one of the lazier tropes in the world of writing for TV & film. The simple lack of communication or talking to each other Macguffin. The sad problem is that if they talked out sanely like you suggested, there wouldn't be any of that JUICY drama that comes exploding out of a situation when everything builds up & builds up to a head, and then there's a massive explosion of drama and resentment. It is one of the laziest and annoying writing tropes, but the end result still gives a lot of juice, so writers keep falling back on that one.

Timotey Kuhn

And just to re-echo what others have been saying here....Pish tosh on anyone who actually gives you grief & tells you off for having your opinion on your REACTION channel. I mean, if you aren't allowed to have your own reaction on your own reaction channel, then what the hell are these people there for anyways? If they hate your particular reaction so much that they're going to tell you off over it, well......there's the metaphorical door, enfants.. Au revoir.


"... well......there's the metaphorical door, enfants.. " And also, of course, there are other reactors they can watch.


Totally agree with all points. I hate that xander speech. He is so rude to her! He’s supposed to be one of her best friends and doesnt even ask if she’s okay, or how she’s doing, isnt willing to give her soace or anything, just emotionally guilt trips her into doing what he thinks is best for her. AGAIN! Always thought this, especially the loint on how riley is human and xander kind of see’s him as a “better xander” and even that isnt good enough. No shit xander! Lol


I certainly respect and understand why you are reacting to Riley the way you are. I don't care for him either. However, I think in this particular situation the storyline, the way things were set up by the writers and directors, we were supposed to at least understand why Riley felt like he did. Interestingly enough, I note that Spike begged Buffy to hit him in "Fool for Love" and she couldn't be bothered to even muster up that much emotion for him - which devestated him. Then here's Riley asking Buffy to hit him, and again she can't muster up enough emotional energy to do it. I read that scene as Riley trying, one last time, to see if she really cared enough to get mad and take it out on him. Had she done that, he would have known she did care. But she didn't. It's the age-old adage that states: Hate isn't the opposite of Love. Apathy is. Hate and anger mean you still have something invested in a person. Some level of emotion. But when you get to apathy (as Buffy with Spike and Riley) then there's nothing in the tank for real.


No, I think her getting up and slaying in the middle of the night was because the First Slayer affected her. And she seemed to sleep fine next to Riley after getting in a little extra staking. My 2 cents.


I liked it when Spike said something like, "Oh no! Is the enormous hall monitor sick?"

Hannah Grangaard Gaudesen

I think your reaction to Riley is completely spot-on! I dont really understand why you've gotten told off about it so much.. Because he's probably the least-liked character in the entire show! By the majority of the fandom!! He's just so annoying!

Fly on the Wall

I wanna preface this by saying I don't think you should ever get hate for your opinions on certain characters. Most of my favorite characters are hated by the fandoms they belong to. Especially in this one. I want to state now that if you've felt I was doing that with the Riley comments I've left during my recent catching up on your season 4 and 5 videos on Patreon, I do apologize. Trust me, if anyone would understand it's me. Just like I like hated characters, I also hate beloved ones a lot. You'd probably be one of those defending Bonnie to me if I was reacting to The Vampire Diaries for the first time on here. During my first watch I would often explode with anger towards her character, camera or no camera. And I couldn't justify giving you too much grief over Riley hate when I giggle every time you hate on Matt. Despite your comparison, I don't see that much similarity, but I do share your dislike of Matt. I enjoy your Matt hate very much. Has there been a lot of backlash for your Riley hate? I've always found the majority of the fandom to share your opinion. I find that interesting. Maybe the fandom has softened to him since the last time I entered it. It's been a while since I did my last watch or discussed the show with fellow fans. I honestly don't think Riley was meant to be seen as in the right here. It's my personal opinion the writers got to the point they honestly didn't know what to do with him and because the fans never received him that well they began a story arc designed from the start to lead to his exit. I always hate getting to this point because it sort of assassinates his character to justify his exit, but I do think there are some good callbacks to his earlier stuff that it isn't entirely out of character. Riley didn't have much of a choice, but to give her the ultimatum since the helicopter was leaving now and he just found out about it. There was no time. Like others have already said I don't think he needed to be forgiven right now, just be told there was a reason to stay. Sure, he could have never mentioned the mission and just stayed, but should he have done that? What was the point in staying if there was nothing to stay for? Buffy either needed him to stay or had to let him go and it was for the best to find that out now before it got messier. Both Xander and Spike could see that Buffy wasn't giving him her all and it wasn't about Riley wanting it to be all about him, but rather to be let in. Typically you would want to share your burdens with your significant other. If a wife had her mom in the hospital, she would totally call her husband. I think between Angel leaving her the way he did and what happened in the few times she visited him in LA and the situation that happened with Parker, she walled her heart off and it's a real shame because I'll come right out and say he was probably the one that was gonna love her the most and cause her the least problems. He may have had his issues, but he was never going to turn evil and try to suck the world into hell, but like Spike said maybe she needs that kind of "excitement" from her significant other. Xander was right to at least give Buffy his opinions because Buffy needed to face what was going on before she kicked herself over it. Xander wasn't trying to tell her what to do or what to think. He could see there was something there that Buffy wasn't able to admit to herself and if she wanted to fight for it she could, if Riley was wrong about her not reciprocating his feelings, she could let him know, but if she couldn't she could just let him go. At the very least Buffy can live with the fact she at least tried to tell him. I'll never hate on you for hating Riley (especially when he's not like one of my all-time favorites or anything), but I'm kinda glad you've said your peace, we've said ours and now we can just leave it at that. I look forward to the rest of your season 5 reactions. Thanks for these!

Fly on the Wall

I would honestly hope Warren Mears is the least-liked character in the entire show tbh.

Hannah Grangaard Gaudesen

Okay fair, that's true. But I could not exactly say that back then because spoilers. Also I really do see more Riley hate. I think it's because those of us who really hate Warren can't stand to rewatch those episodes... Thats my guess. Where as Riley is up in our faces alot more.