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Most of you are amazing and have never done this.

But why do people think it's okay to pledge and get all this extra content - only to delete their pledge before payment?

How do you not feel guilty?

Why do you think this is okay?

This is my only source of income...and I'm being scammed by people.

It makes me feel honestly so shitty - I was going on and on about how incredible this community is but there's people in this community that dine and dash and honestly - I just don't get it.

Just when I think I'm doing well, people ditch their payments.

I look after myself and my dad with the money I earn here and people are so selfish to take content for free and remove their pledges.

There's amazing people truly that have not done this ever, and you guys are truly good people. 

I'm just sick of this - End of month - lose pledges, always happens. Sigh


Elisa Ingo

Do you at least get their names so you can block them if they try to sign up again?


I am so sorry. That really sucks.

Elisa Ingo

I know Simple Reactions has his Patreon set up so that users have to pay right when they sign up and then again on the 1st of the month. If you did this, there would be no way to scam you. If they did cancel, they would just have to pay again when they resubscribe.

Jason Short

It sucks the people do that I would give you more if can I love you reaction

Jason Short

I think you something blue reaction was worth the money

Commander Dodge

I am so sorry to hear that. This has happened to others too so I'm glad that you came forward and told us that it was happening because this a serious matter that needs to be addressed with everyone that has a Patreon.


I believe you've already given two warnings about this. That's more than enough. Are you able to ban them from signing up again?


According to the following link. Send s message to support requesting to be evaluated for access to charge up front. The link specifically mentions asking to be forwarded to Carla B. in Marketing to handle the request. Worth a shot I guess. They should really make the option available to everyone. <a href="https://www.reddit.com/r/patreon/comments/8d7qrc/what_to_do_when_charge_upfront_is_not_an_option/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.reddit.com/r/patreon/comments/8d7qrc/what_to_do_when_charge_upfront_is_not_an_option/</a>


It sucks, heard a lot of patreon people make the same complaint. Some people are just heartless, and see it as 'gaming the system', rather than ripping people off. I hope Patreon makes it easier to guard against.

raymond julien

I for one would have been happy to pay up front. This is a loophole Patreon needs to close. Perhaps a one episode sampler before being charged?


It's really disheartening, I totally get you. Another person I pledge to, is dealing with similar problem, and she came with temporal solution, which was sending people (the patreons that stay and pay), individual links to the episodes of the biggest show she is react to (since most people pledge to watch that show with along with her). But I know it's more time consuming this way, and an additional work for her :/

Einar Sigurðsson

I can't believe this is still happening. What a bunch of assholes


Hopefully you can get in touch with someone and get it changed to where people who sign up to your Patreon are charged right away. Regardless, it sucks that this is happening to you. Something tells me this happens with a lot of other creators as well which begs the question as to why Patreon continues to let this happen.


That's a terrible way to get extra content. I'm sorry to hear that people think it's okay to cheat you. Hopefully you can get someone from Patreon to help figure who the people are and maybe warn them of doing it again or removing their accounts.


They can just create new accounts and do the same thing again, not a very effective method. Patreon should have some system to work around this where you are charged as soon as you pay for the month.


I think I saw Torchwood Boy got the option to have patreons pay in advance when they sign up. Hopefully this option becomes available to you soon too :)

Nancy Nicolai (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-09 13:09:05 This practice of watching then quiting the channel is much like dine &amp; dash and it should be illegal but I have never and a would never do that although total transparency here I did quit two reactors after I payed last month bc the content was almost nonexistent which I'm not paying for nothing right but I would never do that to you Shan bc you just like the other reactors I watch(The Sororos💙and Dakara Jane💜)are very considerate of us who spend our hard earned money to see you guys react to some of our favorite shows so Thank You and I'm Sorry you have to deal with people who are like that but not all of us are and I can relate to taking care of parent which I did with my mom &amp; it's tough but it does bring you closer to them and you can learn who that parent is as a person it can be really cool have great weekend sweetie!!!💜😎💯✌🌟🌻
2018-07-01 20:17:17 This practice of watching then quiting the channel is much like dine & dash and it should be illegal but I have never and a would never do that although total transparency here I did quit two reactors after I payed last month bc the content was almost nonexistent which I'm not paying for nothing right but I would never do that to you Shan bc you just like the other reactors I watch(The Sororos💙and Dakara Jane💜)are very considerate of us who spend our hard earned money to see you guys react to some of our favorite shows so Thank You and I'm Sorry you have to deal with people who are like that but not all of us are and I can relate to taking care of parent which I did with my mom & it's tough but it does bring you closer to them and you can learn who that parent is as a person it can be really cool have great weekend sweetie!!!💜😎💯✌🌟🌻

This practice of watching then quiting the channel is much like dine & dash and it should be illegal but I have never and a would never do that although total transparency here I did quit two reactors after I payed last month bc the content was almost nonexistent which I'm not paying for nothing right but I would never do that to you Shan bc you just like the other reactors I watch(The Sororos💙and Dakara Jane💜)are very considerate of us who spend our hard earned money to see you guys react to some of our favorite shows so Thank You and I'm Sorry you have to deal with people who are like that but not all of us are and I can relate to taking care of parent which I did with my mom & it's tough but it does bring you closer to them and you can learn who that parent is as a person it can be really cool have great weekend sweetie!!!💜😎💯✌🌟🌻

Greta mudie

I just looked at my emails and saw this post, read it and shook my head, thinking who would do that? Then went back to my email and saw an email from patreon letting me know my payment had failed! so i was one of those people :( completely unintentional though, i immediately fixed it up. So sorry about that