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Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/9wme25fr3fqoic3/Smallville%20S01E06%20-%20Hourglass%20FULL%20REWATCH.mp4?dl=0

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Smallville S01E06 - Hourglass FULL REWATCH.mp4 - Onehub

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You don't like Jonathon? Huh, I thought I was the only one who thought he was an arrogant self-righteous prick. The show plays him like some kind of hero, but....yeah...he makes a lot of really horrible decisions throughout the show.


Yay! I'm not the only one. Honestly, he may be part of the reason Lex goes down many bad roads because of his distrust :) I'll go into it so much more as we go on in the rewatch. Believe me, when it comes to rewatches, I enjoy talking about my thoughts and such :P


great reaction. Clark and Lana are so cringe when they talk to each other, he talks to her like she's a 3 year old throughout the series lmfao

Paul Gibson

Cassandra is spot on. the closest person to Clark when she made her prediction was herself

Patrick - Excelsior

Some schools require community service from students but not all by far.

Patrick - Excelsior

He got electrocuted from the christmas light cord strung along chain on pier that went in with him as he fell. You can see it as he bends to get lighter. You can also see it when he stands up in the water across his shoulder next to his neck.