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Angel S01E17 - Eternity FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub


Samantha Bailey

The drugs didn’t remove his soul, like Wesley said it made him think that he had achieved true happiness but it was only chemically induced so it would wear off like any drug does.


I think what they were going for was that, since the drugs were synthetic, the "perfect happiness" he felt didn't remove his soul, it just repressed it so that the demon was set free, and once the drugs wore off his soul was still there. But, like you, I don't really care much about they how and why of it, I'm just happy we got Angelus for a little while there, but also glad that he didn't do any real harm to anyone.

Timotey Kuhn

"But I almost had it sucked into hell once too".......*ASR laughs* So good you can also laugh about "Becoming Part 2 now. :)

Timotey Kuhn

P.S. Yes...you just made sense. ;)

Alexis Cardarella

"..I really hope I just made sense." That was actually a very spot on analogy. David Greenwalt described Angel's struggle to resist his blood thirst as metaphorically being a recovering alcoholic.

Einar Sigurðsson

fuck I love Angelus (or the portrayal of him in this episode)

Einar Sigurðsson

I don´t think the pill took away the soul, but it loosened inside him the self control that Angel has to have every day of his life. He is still a demon, that doesn´´t change with him having a soul. But yeah, this episode kinda fucks with the established lore :)

Richard Lucas

I can see why you skipped episode 16, it’s considered kind of a crappy episode, EXCEPT it follows the bizarre sometimes habit of important characters being introduced in crappy episodes! Both Jenny Calendar and Oz were introduced in crappy episodes, and episode 16 introduces another important one! Please don’t skip reacting to any more episodes. Now we will never see your first reaction to this character. I mean of course you can skip them if you want, but you just never know what you might be missing reacting to.