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Buffy The Vampire Slayer S04E14 - Goodbye Iowa FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub



4 in one day!?! its like Christmas and my birthday all rolled into one.


Buffy: "That would never happen." ... Willow: "Well, no, Buff, that's why they call them cartoons, not documentaries." LOL

Einar Sigurðsson

"Then there's Xander, he's the least special of them all" ...you will eat those words!


Anya: "You know you really should get yourself a boring boyfriend, like Xander (thinks for a second) - You can't have Xander." LOL


My fav part of this reaction was when Willow and Tara were talking, you paused the ep, thought for 2 seconds, said nah, then unpaused. LOL


I think you’re right that guy must love Riley. I didn’t see it first time I watched, but seeing these episodes again with you pointing it out it seems so obvious now. The way they talk about spells in this episode is weird.


I hate to have to defend Riley, because I don't like him, but the way he was acting in this episode wasn't his fault -- he was going through withdrawal for drugs he never even knew he was on, he had no idea what was happening to him, and because of that he was acting like an ass, but it's hard to say how much he's responsible for it when his brain chemistry was all messed up. I love when Spike gets all indignant because Buffy said he wasn't bad anymore. LOL!

Timotey Kuhn

Mein gott, you're spoiling the living daylights out of us with all of these episodes in one fell swoop. Thank god I'm off work now so I can watch them one after another.... :D

Timotey Kuhn

(and now for my running commentary) "True , but he's a good guy, sadly..." In the immortal words of a particular song from "The Lion King"... "Caaaan you feeeeeeel the looooove toniiiiiight?"......You fuuuuuuunnie... :P

Timotey Kuhn

"I totally get it now. Can I have sex with Riley too?" Love your face in that momnent.. :P