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Angel S01E10 - Parting Gifts FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub


Chris Peacock

Hello to Wesley. Possibly my favorite character on Angel. As sad as Doyle dying is, the show really takes off with Cordy having the visions and Wesley joining the cast.


Yay! The Rogue Demon Hunter is here! If someone had told me during season 3 of Buffy that Wesley would one day be one of my favorite characters, I would have thought they were insane, but after he shows up on Angel, my love for Wesley very quickly begins to rival my love for Spike.

Samantha Bailey

Not all Demons are evil like Doyle said, even in Buffy.


I loved your Wesley reaction :D


It's Wesley Wyndham Price! Head Boy of his class you know, formerly of the Watcher's Council, Rogue Demon Hunter and quite the snazzy dresser.


Doyle died so the evil law firm wants Cordie's eyes and Wesley works for Angel. Were those on your prediction list? :)

Jean Olenick

I found something out! Percy here used to be called 'Head Boy'! ... and that's all I have to report...

Loves Bitca

Actually in show business the superstition is that it's good luck to tell someone to break a leg. The old superstition in theater is that if you wish them luck or a good performance, then things will go bad. The opposite of what you wish. So wishing a bad thing, like a broken leg, will bring them good luck, or a good performance.