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Angel S01E09 - Hero FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub


Einar Sigurðsson

"I am hoping this is a more lighthearted episode" oh sweety....this is Joss whedon we are talking about

Einar Sigurðsson

there's also a very valid reason why Angel looks like Doyle in the Dark Avenger opening....foreshadowing


I had just watched Torchwood Boy's reaction to this last week and had to go through it all again. I don't think I will ever get through this episode without crying (at the beginning when he's recording the video and asked if he was done I started tearing up cuz I knew) 💔 Thank so much for the reaction, can't wait for the next Angel ep (I should go back and watched the Doomed reaction now as I skipped it when saw this was up too)


The timing of this is good, with Roseanne having paid tribute to Glen Quinn last night. Such a shame about how all this played out with Quinn, Doyle had so much potential as a character. Wish we could have seen what his long term arc would have been.


"Is that it? Am I done?" Always with the feels, this show. Also your football joke had me cracking up.


This episode is always so hard for me to watch. Even worse now, since Glenn Quinn's death, than it was when the episode first aired. I've heard several different stories about them killing off Doyle. Some stories say Joss Whedon planned to kill off Doyle from the start; other stories say Glenn had drug problems, that he was well liked but unreliable and they couldn't continue filming around the times he would actually show up; and some stories combine the two and say that Joss always planned it but ended up doing it sooner than he'd intended because of Glenn's drug problems. I tend to lean mostly to believing the last one, because I've heard interviews with Joss where he's talked about wanting to have a character in the opening credits and then kill them off, and also because I know Glenn did die of a heroin overdose in 2002. I mean, this episode was painful before Glenn died, but since then it's really hard for me to watch it at all.


David Fury confirmed in an appearance back in 2000 that it was never planned to write him out. The rumours about him turning up and not being able to work were true and seemingly in the end something had to give. I think the whole 'It was planned from the start' story was to keep things hidden because at the time not many knew about Glenn's habit and it was only when he died a lot of the public found out about his addiction. Here's a write up of what David said. "Joss has bandied about, 'I love the idea of putting a character in the main credits as one of the stars of the show and then kill him right off the bat,'" Fury said. "But in the case of Doyle, he didn't want to kill off Doyle. It just became a situation. The work situation became difficult.... It's hard enough to make a television show without the headaches."

Chris Peacock

I know the death of Doyle overrides everything else in this episode, but I would like to address a question you seemed to have. Why let Angel join? Well. Think about it. They are a group of pure blood demons who hate half breeds and want to eradicate them. Fair enough. Just one problem. Remember what Anya taught us in Buffy Season 3. There are no pure blood demons walking the earth. Giles told us way back in season 1, that the last pure blood... The last old one, feed off a human and created the first vampire. The show has in ways informed us that all the demons left are in some way shape or form at least a tiny bit human. At least the ones so far (All of this information came from Buffy, but it all applies to Angel too). The Scurge are not pure bloods. They are the Nazi's. And like the Nazi's, they are hypocrites. How many Nazi were Hitler's pure blood Aryan. Very few. The Scurge may have been a bit more pure which is why the machine did not just kill them, but I think it would have at full power. Not that they knew that. Would have been a nice surprise for them. Angel was fine standing near it as well. For a minute or two anyway.

Vincent Valentin

I feel more sad every time I see this episode. It just gets sadder.


Loved the football joke!!!

Loves Bitca

"I hope this is a fun episode, because they often switch from sad episodes to fun ones" Oh Honey.


Wow, even though I knew what was coming I still almost lost it when Doyle started recording. The end of this episode never fails to make me cry.