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Angel S01E08 - I Will Remember You FULL REACTION.mp4 * Files * After Show Reactions * Onehub


Timotey Kuhn

Going to allow my silly, insecure attention hog needs to play out by saying "Yayyyy! I'm first!" Sorry...... ;) I'll just quietly air drum to the theme song along with you & shush now.. :P


This episode broke me the first time I ever saw it. I still shed a few tears when I watch it even to this day. Don't worry though, Something Blue will definitely cheer you up, it's a great episode.

Timotey Kuhn

*watches to end of epsiode* It's big descend on ASR for group hug time! <3 *hugs* Joss Whedon is an intriguing show maker. You love him after moments like "Pangs" on "Buffy" & then you can just as quickly hate his guts for giving you severe heartbreak after an episode like this. I guess you could say that he doesn't ever go middle of the road on anything.


This episode is pretty painful, but I would prefer that it exist, than have it not exist. This way we got a glimpse into the life that they could have had together.


Did Buffy change into white to go into the sewer? Cause that seems like a bad idea. Don’t worry hearts are overrated.


Sometimes I forget that most of this episode actually made me really happy the first time I saw it, because when I think about IWRY, all I remember is the rip your heart out ending. Part of me has always wished that Angel had just kept his mouth shut at the end of the episode and not told Buffy about his deal with the Oracles. He had two minutes left, and there was nothing either he or Buffy could do to change it, time was going to reset... so why did he have to make those two minutes miserable for Buffy? I guess, either way, she doesn't remember it, but the very fact that she doesn't remember makes me question the point of telling her the truth.

Brendan O'Connor

My first thought when I saw the crossover episodes was "oh she is gonna laugh, and then she is gonna cry..." This is one of my favorite episodes of this series, and definitely one of the saddest. Sarah and David brought their A game to this episode!


I feel like... he knew he was going to have to burden this truth, alone, forever, so he just wanted one moment of empathy before he had to accept it. I believe it made him feel better just to share the pain for a minute.


Loved your reaction to Buffy's opening lecture. Pangs had zero Buffy/Angel screen time - that's not enough for a crossover! So here's one with too much Bangel screen time - didn't know that was possible, eh?


If you listen close while Buffy is crying, right before she hugs him, you can hear Angel call her Sarah because he was so caught up.


Oh if you havent watched Hero from Angel yet have tissues ready for that one too. I do hope you react to that one!