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Mega link: https://mega.nz/file/PN0gEbDR#DQAstJF6lD7Q1AkJKrMZpWk0CtTFi0fMcccthgGnFeQ

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ondsvgjxb7whn3m8h1qu0/Jessica-Jones-S03E03-A.K.A.-I-Have-No-Spleen-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=fd5g75sqd7lvhzdiy9rqhdlq3&st=g01bnjbd&dl=0


Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!



Patrick - Excelsior

Well that was nice of them to explain what spleen does. Yeah, showing him pee seemed a bit unnecessary. Could have just shown the water with some blood in it. But this show seems to like showing people pee. Twice before they have done it. Once with Jessica and I believe once with Trish. If Jessica is this vulnerable, she should wear body armor (at least a vest) while on the job. I don’t know if leaving knife behind is amateur move. As long as the knife isn’t traceable. He cleaned and made sure is was so common that anyone could have it. As Power Ranger said, clean. That sounds professional, plus by leaving it, he can’t be caught with it or seen with it. It's a common mafia move to leave an untraceable weapon behind rather than be caught with it. I have a printer. What do I print? Stuff, forms, backup documents, verification letters, certificates, etc. I like this cop, Costa. He seems to genuinely care about Jessica. The burger dude makes a good point, a deadbolt with a regular glass window is a waste of time. At least use architectural safety glass. It will crack but even an axe can’t cut through it. WTH? Jessica seemed to realize something at the end there about burger dude.

Brandon Wiesner

While I was watching the reaction, I was eating Ramen. Then I see power ranger peeing. Awkward but luckily it was quick and I was able to separate the two, lol. What I gathered from the ending there is, I think that she realized that the killer was after him. She said to him "why does someone want to kill you? So maybe he's the target. Or he could even be the killer. That's the vibe I was getting before the ending there. I guess we'll see.

Brandon Wiesner

The spleen puns were the ultimate dad jokes. Jessica was not amused lol.