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Meredith actually used to be a boy's name until it started being given to girls around the 1950s. By the time Rodney was born, the trend had probably shifted more towards it being a girl's name, but his parents were probably of a generation where it was still commonly given to boys; and those kinds of traditions can die out slowly. Beverly is another example of this. I saw a school production of "The Man Who Came to Dinner" once, where a friend of the main character was named Beverly and played by a female identifying actor, playing the character as a woman - which, based on the dialogue and other context clues seemed very confusing at times, until I looked it up and found that the character is actually supposed to be male; and that Beverly used to be a unisex name.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Soooo... Little refresh info that on a first watch you'd probably miss ...This is NOT. the first time we heard about the existence of McKay's sister Jeannie ....Although NOT. mentioned by name ...McKay mentioned he had a sister back in the 1x13 - "Hot Zone" ...That script originally had McKay mention he had a brother.. However David Hewlett asked if it could be changed to him having a sister since in real life he has a sister (Kate Hewlett) who is also an actor ...NOT. to beg for an opening for his sister to show up ...But it DID. end opening up the opportunity for her to play the role of McKay's sister in this episode... 2 seasons later 2. I kinda like it when special guest stars show up BEFORE. the intro starts playing ...I went over MANY. episodes and was happy to find out that in THIS. instance ...Carter shows up BEFORE. the intro .....Which means less stress on my PC trying to blur out Amanda's name ...I left Kate Hewlett's name there since I figured you either wouldn't notice since you rarely do OR. you'd have a little bit of a guess about it ....And you didn't even look it up ...NICE! 3. Yup ...McKay's full name reveal is so much more funny if spoilers are deleted on time ...You're welcome ...And although this is the first time in sci-fi that I can remember seeing a character with a name typically reserved for those of the opposite sex ...It wouldn't be the last time ...Another character worth mentioning is the female lead of Star Trek Discovery ....The character's name is Michael Burnham .....And no ....Michael isn't short for Michaella or anything ...Michael is LEGIT. her name ....It was confusing at first ...But you get used to it ....McKay on the other hand decided to go with Rodney instead ...But it's interesting how science fiction sometimes tends to accept things much more easily than we do in the real world ...I have to wonder though ...A hundred years from now ...Will there be people out there with names that WE. in this day and age would deem appropriate for only male OR. female but will they consider it normal? 4. Ok ...I barely know anything about The Terminator ....But this alternate version of McKay DEFINITELY. just appeared in the same manner as Arnold Schwartzeneggar did in the movie .....Although luckily for David Hewlett ..."Rod" didn't appear nekkid ...added later... The episode lacked something ...So I added the Terminator theme to the edit when he shows up 5. Y'know ....For a guy who claims he's from an alternate universe ...Rod seems to be VERY. chill about the fact his universe is apparently being torn apart by something McKay and his sister are doing on Atlantis 6. I looked it up to be sure... The unstability you're referring to is called "Entropic Cascade Failure" ...It has a high chance of happening when a person from an alternate universe visits ours but they have little to nothing in common with us .....And is LESS. likely to happen when the 2 universes are almost identical ....Given the amount of things Rod has mentioned and things our characters have picked up on about the differences ...His universe seems to be different from ours in SEVERAL. ways ...Meaning the likelyhood of him ending up suffering from E.C.F. is high .....Buuuuuuttttt... I guess we're just not doing all that stuff anymore and he's fine ......Aaaaalllthough ...I don't think Rod was on Atlantis for that long ...Perhaps IF. he had stayed on Atlantis for a while longer he'd have started to show symptoms ........But most likely this was just a case of TV Show gotta TV Show 7. Apparently Jeannie has 2 more kids in the alternate universe ...Not only does she have a daughter named Maddie (which she does in our universe too) ....Rod also said she had 2 sons called Bradley and Robbie ....A cheeky little reference to producers / show creators Brad Wright and Robert Cooper 8. Blink and you'll miss it moment ...Sheppard and Rod are playing golf on Atlantis ...The bucket with all the golfballs in it has writing on the side "Property of Daedalus, Do not remove" ....Someone broke the rules and stole some stuff that doesn't belong to them ...I approve 9. Aaaaaand there goes our ZPM ...Yup ...We're not only cut off from Earth again ...We're also defenseless without a shield ...Well... I mean... Yeah.. Technically we still have the Daedalus ...Soooo.. We're not completely FUCKED. ....But it's not looking good 10. So I suppose since Jeannie was a bit anti-military and unwilling to sign any NDA's before this episode ...That's the reason she never saw the video McKay recorded for her back in 1x17 "Letters From Pegasus" ....Cause I can't think of another reason she'd be surprised about seeing that recording .....Which is kinda fucked up to think about ...Who else didn't get their potential emotional goodbyes in the case Atlantis was destroyed? 11. Sheppard said he thought Rod was creepy ...Ronon pitches in about Rod: "I can't stand people who are always nice, makes me think they're trying to hide something" ....You: "Then you guys are two-faced as hell" ...TRUE! ...They kept being VERY. friendly with him only for it to turn out they didn't like him?? ....YIKES. ...How about we just be honest with people?? 12. McKay sits down with the group: "What else is new?" ...Sheppard: "Well Teyla has got the hots for one of the new marines" ......Quite possibly lowkey referring to Rachel Luttrell ..Who ended up in a long lasting relationship with an actor who played a marine on Atlantis in the previous season ...They even got married a year after this episode aired ...But also divorced 3 years ago ...I guess marines were a phase