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Hey shan i just wanted to say i am very very sorry for upsetting you with that whole shane/spike comment, i know u stopped reading it i mentioned i wasnt looking to fight with anyone and most importantly you, i have been an on and off patreon supporter of yours since the buffy reactions, and i literally pay to support your channel because i love your reactions and seeing your youtube and patreon grow and how much you built into it with a website is remarkable, when ppl think group reactors, the 1st people that come to mind is blind wave and the normies, when ppl think solo reactors the 1st person to come to mind is you, you are the face of the reactors, the queen reactor and so yes i am really sorry i was looking for more of a friendly debate not to but heads, also i want to say yes i was wrong, spike didnt rape buffy, i have rewatched that show countless times and always thought he raped her until buffy got him off so after you said he didnt i googled and learned i was wrong so im sorry, when i was bringing up ppl wanted spike with buffy, i meant it pre the soul with all the things bad he did when it comes to buffy ppl still wanted spike with buffy, not after he got the soul, but i like to compare characters and i respect you dont, the last things ill say about shane and then we can put it to rest, in relation to u saying he opened up the barn and killed a bunch of ppl but couldnt even kill sophia, i think the writers just wanted to show he still had "a little" humanity left in him if he just shot sofia down without remorse after opening the barn he probably would of been more hated, in season 1 when carol got hit by her husband shane beat the hell out of him and said if you put your hands on your wife, your daughter or anyone else i will not stop next time. If shane was at the point where he was in season 2 maybe shane would of jist killed him right then or not even cared to help carol who knows. The Last thing i will say u have some insight into whats to come for season 7 episode 1.no spoilers Two main characters were on talking dead on two seperate episodes, and this question was brought up only twice for that era of the show and the host asked if they could bring back one character to help take on the threat of season 7 who would it be, Both main characters on both episodes without hesitation said shane with one adding that he survived past lori's death he could of really had a redemption arc and a good member of the group. Shane did have his supporters but i know it is split in the middle and im on the opposite end of yours But anyways again im sorry l hope u dont hate me, and cant wait for the next reaction


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I'm not even gonna get involved in the Spike side of that conversation ...Good character (mostly) ...I however do NOT. support the ship of him and Buffy for obvious reasons and also don't like how easy it was for him to find redemption ..But.. Like I said ...I'll move on cause this note would get TOO. LONG. and Spike doesn't have anything to do with The Walking Dead ....The Shane argument however I CAN. and WILL. back you up on Froots ....Shane was a loud mouthed wuss ...He was also a character that wasn't supposed to make it past the 1st season ...But given that AMC made Season 1 so small the creators had his story arc end in the 2nd season ...I continue to be baffled at how people can defend his actions ...He WASN'T supposed to be a favourite ...He was SUPPOSED. to be hated ....Just like many seasons have an overarching antagonist to mess with the group ...Shane was the intended antagonist for Season 1 and by extension 2 2. Ok ....Seems like someone is trying to lure walkers inside the prison walls ...What's that all about? 3. Yeah it's a bit weird for Maggie of all people to bring up the fact that they don't know these 2 prisoner dudes and so don't know if they can trust them ...I mean... OFCOURSE. we can trust Maggie ...WE. know this ...But SHE. wasn't part of the OG crew either 4. You: "Biters sounds kinda weird doesn't it?" ....Yeah "Biters" sounds like kind of a cringey name for the zombies ....What's next?? Nibblers?? ...Nah ..Too kinky 5. Yip ...Aside from a prison being a good idea for a base in case of the attack of the walking nibblers ...Michonne's idea is pretty good ...Get a boat! ....In my opinion preferably a big one with a smaller one that you can take to the mainland for supplies ...Walkers can't swim ..You'd be absolutely safe on a boat ....Provided nobody ON. your boat is hiding the fact they got nibbled on 6. Yeah this scene was a bit unbelievable ....They were all just staring at eachother ...There's ZERO. way that those walkers could have snuck up on them like that without Rick, Glenn and Daryl noticing since they were looking STRAIGHT. in Carl, Lori, Beth and Hershel's direction 7. Still a bit of a messup on the side of the directors this season it seems ...Walkers are supposed to WALK. .....NOT. run ...Not quick shuffle... Not dance.. Although that'd be funny ....WALK... JUST... WALK. ....It's in the damn title of the show! 8. Aaaaand T-dog has been bitten ...Another one of the OG crew is about to be a goner ...Well... Knowing how the episode ends ...2 of them 9. Aight ...It only took the Governor ONE. episode to break his whole "I never tell people my name" bullshit ...Really sticking by your words there mah dude ....It kinda makes that scene from last episode where he said he never told people his name seem meaningless and cringey ....This could've been like a part of something ...Like maybe Andrea develops some braincells and figures "The Governor" isn't such a good guy and she goes snooping around and THEN. finds out his name?? .....But no ...Now it just looks like the guy was trying act mysterious in front of this woman he just met ...What a loser 10. goddamit Carl ....Having to shoot your mum to make sure she doesn't turn....This mothertrucker is NOT. playing! ...He's quickly turning into probably the most mature kid I've ever seen on a damn TV show ...I don't even know if "kid" is still the right word for this little shit 11. Yeeeeeaaah... A pretty emotional ending there ...And then ...SOMEHOW. people turned it into what's probably one of the MOST. recognised CORAALLL memes ...I BET. EVERY. dad joke in existence has been applied to screenshots of that scene ...Some of them really fucking hilarious ...But to think it all stems from THIS. ...Still VERY. emotional scene even after a rewatch ...It's weird