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I disagree on ur comment shane was a pussy, shane was a lot of things but a pussy wasnt one of them, when rick was in the hospital, shane tried saving him with military and walkers all in their, when carl got shot, he went into the highschool knowing it was infested with walkers, when their was walkers in the barn, shane was the one that wanted to deal with that problem(the season 3 rick would of done the same if he only met hershel and his fam in season 3), when he found out lori took off he stormed out of the farm immediately, when randall came to the farm even learning about how his group raped two girls, shane was the one that wanted to kill randall immediately, shane had some major flaws just like ur favorite buffy character spike, who would of killed ppl(maybe not buffy) without remorse if he lossed the chip in his brain, but the one thing that both spike and shane had in common was the ability to read ppl pretty good


- When Shane left the hospital, he told Lori that he had died and then immediately took advantage of a mourning "widow" and slept with her at her lowest point. - When Shane went to the high school, he also left Otis to die. - Shane handled the barn situation all wrong. His motivation is also very skewed; he does things for recognition and wants to be the hero. He's prideful. - He stormed out to get Lori because he was worried about the baby that might be his. He's also kind of obsessed with Lori. I mean, he literally sexually assaulted her and tried to rape her in the season 1 finale. - Shane literally let Randall go, killed him and tried to gaslight the entire group about what happened. - Spike also had no soul, so that's not a fair comparison to make. All these things you mentioned are instances where he did things wrong, and he never had the right reasons for doing them. He's a master manipulator and a sex offender.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. I feel like those bushes were NOT. NEEEEEAAARLY. enough cover for Michonne and Andrea to hide behind ...But sure ...Suspension disbelief 2. Oh look... Yondu is back ...Was wondering when he'd show up again 3. Froots... You liar ....You've had PLENTY. of guns pulled on you over the past year ......If we count games ....And don't be like "Games don't count" ...Bish.. You just pointed a finger at yourself and THAT. counted ...Games count ....Hey ..I don't make the rules ...I just think them up and write them down 4. Governor: "Welcome to Woodbury" ...You: "Looks clean" ....My first thought: "What's wrong with it?" ...added later... Leader likes looking at severed heads in fishtanks ...Check 5. True.. Andrea is asked if she thinks a piece of the former person stays behind when someone turns and she's like "I don't think about it" .....Bish ...You were at the C.D.C. getting the full tour ....You KNOW. there's nothing left of the person they used to be 6. You wondered why the Governor and his men killed all those soldiers ....The answer is easy ...Those soldiers had weapons ...You can't defend your community without weapons ....Taking all those soldiers back ALIVE. would mean more mouths to feed ...Less food for everyone else ....Killing them was the better solution (NOT. the morally right one.. Just the better one) 7. Aight... So the Governor decided to spin it and told his people that the soldiers were already dead by the time they got there ....Shady dude ..Check 8. Aaaaaaand apparently he likes to look at severed heads in fishtanks ...Nah Froots that's not just "Kinda weird" ......That's all kindsa FUCKED. UP.