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> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Nope we didn't kill him.... We KEEP. leaving Kolya alive for some fucking reason ...He's got no desire to change and screw us over EVERY. time ...I honestly don't know why we're not just killing this guy ...He's NOT. that interesting of a villain 2. True... Comments on YouTube have been calling you out for not remembering stuff ....Some of it I can agree with ...But some of it it's like ...You watch so MUCH. stuff every week ...It's bound to happen you forget a few things 3. You're spot on Froots ...The Wraith guy in the cell with Sheppard is played by Christopher Heyerdahl ....Who also played Halling the Athosian friend of Teyla ...added later... What did I say about looking things up? ...Don't do it again. 4. Radim: "I say this rhetorically.. Since I think it is obvious.. But if I was involved in this in any way.. Or if my intentions were anything less than honourable.. Would I have come to Atlantis?" ...You: "Maybe" ....Me: "Yes" ....I mean c'mon ...How many times have the Genii tried to screw us over?? ....Radim's excuse was a bad one ...I mean ...Sure the dude ended up being ok ...But given our previous encounters ...How could we NOT. be suspicious?? 5. No worries... The colour of the LED's have been wildly inconsistent throughout your recordings ..It doesn't matter if you forgot to change it or not 6. Yeeeeeaah... Both episodes dealt with the same theme sort of ....What happens when allies turn against you ...The answer ....You get screwed over 7. True... Wraith Guy keeps complaining about needing to feed but you're right ...He could have fed on all of the Genii soldiers he and Sheppard were taking out ...Just cause they killed them wouldn't mean their "life-force" or whatever would instantly be gone ...I bet a Wraith could still feed on someone who had JUST. died .....Buuuttt then we wouldn't have had seen Wraith Guy use Sheppard like a Capri-Sun 8. Yip... We're not having Sheppard look old as FUCK.. It would drive away the female viewers (those who don't have the hots for Momoa) ...Nah ...Apparently the Wraith also can gift life ....Is it a deus ex machina? ...Sure... But it does kinda make sense 9. Sheppard to Kolya: "Next time I'll kill you on sight!" .....Aight ...Let's hope that IF. there's a next time ..Sheppard sticks to his word ...That guy is boring and overrated 10. Aaaaand we also might see Wraith Guy again ....Cause apparently we just keep them alive now?


I can respect you not remembering every detail; especially with the amount of you shows you watch, but even just in general, I've seen the Stargate shows multiple times, and there's plenty that I've forgotten until watching it again. That's what makes me suspicious of reactors who have 𝘵𝘰𝘰 𝘨𝘰𝘰𝘥 a memory. It's one thing to recall a random detail from some past episode, but like, there's one reactor who's now part way through Buffy and reacting to Angel... She's either the best guesser ever, like bordering on prescient, or she's 100% seen the show before - multiple times. She not only recognized 𝘈𝘯𝘯𝘦 the first time she appeared on Angel - like in the very first scene she saw her - she remembered she remembered she went by Chantarelle and Lily without really thinking about it. She constantly calls stuff that's about to happen often when there's very little that should plausibly lead her to that conclusion. All of which is to say, your reactions always feel much more authentic, warts and all. Not remembering something from the previous episode, much less previous seasons, doesn't mean you're not paying attention. If anything that suits the fans of most shows just fine, because in case you haven't notice, every fan has opinions and loves to share them, loves pointing out trivia or things you missed or were wrong about... If you were perfect, we'd have not to contribute.