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Samantha Bailey

I don't think the show dropped what happened to Lori. They showed her have an accident in one episode and at the beginning of the next one we see her wake up in the car and see a walker trying to get into the car. Lori manages to escape and kill two walkers before Shane shows up and takes her back to the farm. Lori's discussion with Hershel I think was to help calm her fears about what is to come. I have talked to many pregnant women in my family that talk about not feeling the baby move for a while, so they push on their stomachs to make the baby move. Their conversation also brought to light about potential dangers if something like this was to happen.

Patrick - Excelsior

OK, the reason I told you not to look at the Daryl pop box that too closely, is you can see the prison in the background.


>>> !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! <<< 1. You said you don't like how some scenes don't get finished in the episode? ....Yeah ...Not counting cliffhangers... That might happen a LOT. 2. The title does look better now yeah ....And they kinda treat the intro the same way as The 100 did it... It changes over the course of the show which is interesting 3. Good eye Froots ...Yeah apparently Rick does have a watch ....I'm guessing it's a wind up type of watch then or maybe one that's powered by motion ...My dad had one of those and tried pawning it off on me at some point ...As long as you'd move your arm enough it'd always stay powered ...I didn't want it cause I couldn't be bothered what I figured would mean moving that much ...Pretty sure those are the only types of watches that would still be useful in a world like that though 4. Daaaamn Carl ....This kid took off on his own and took out 2 walke .......Hold up ...Is Beth in the room??? ....Cause this little shit might be lying in order to impress his crush ...added right after... YUP! There she is! ....And he just tried telling off Lori and in turn got told off by Beth ....Welp ...Sorry kid ...Respawn and try again 5. Not a bad move from Prisoner Dude to be honest ....There were a bunch of walkers coming in and everyone was busy trying to fight them off ...Dude took his shot and tried to throw a walker towards Rick ...Ofcourse Prisoner Dude didn't realise that he's just a side character and that Rick is protected by plot armor ....But hey ...He wanted to take out the leader and take over the pack ....Not that taking out Rick would've led to him taking over ...I'm sure Daryl would be next in charge ....But there's like 4 prisoners and there's only Rick, Daryl and T-dog ...They're kinda outnumbered already 6. Aaaaaaaand Prisoner Dude is dead ....Rick isn't fucking around ....Meanwhile if Shane was still alive.. Dude would have put on his "I smell a fart" face and be like "I'm with them now!" 7. Good question ...If someone dies for a minute but IS. able to be revived ...Do they come back as human or as a walker? ...Or something in between? 8. Plottwist ...All this time ..Hershel wasn't dying ...He was just pretending and waiting for the perfect moment to smooch Rick's very pregnant wife full on the mouth ...The old geezer has a kink for pregnant women? 9. SOMEONE. was watching Carol carve up that walker.... I can only imagine they're probably really confused about what the hell she was doing ...They're like "What kinda sick fuck goes playing doctor on dead bodies?" 10. True ...We're just letting those 2 prisoners roam around the prison?? We don't know them!! ...One of them said they were thieves or something but can we REALLY. trust that?!? I'd say it's better to "take care" of the problem instead of letting them roam free


Damn i loved when rick killed that 1 prisoner with that michette right through the head, that guy was giving off bad vibes from the start, it makes me wonder how shane would of handled him, i guess that prisoner is a little lucky, i think shane would of killed all of them as soon as he saw them