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Patrick - Excelsior

Yeah, the walker with the gas mask on losing its face when Rick removed it was gnarly.


> > > !!!FOR SHANNAN!!! < < < 1. Soooo... Season 3 picks up roughly 8 months after the end of Season 2 ...I say roughly ...Last time we saw Lori she didn't have a baby bump ....But here she's VERY. MUCH. pregnant 2. I'm a picky eater ....And there's DEFINITELY. some stuff I'd be like "Fuck no.. I'd rather starve to death" ...So perhaps it's a bit hypocritical of me to point this out ....But I think Rick is still having his expectations regarding food set a bit too high ...He saw Carl found some dog food and Rick threw it away ...Mah dude ...You don't really have a choice ...It's either eat what you can get ...Or die (I'd still choose death.. YES. ....I WOULD. choose to starve.. Don't underestimate a stubborn picky eater) 3. They say they've been moving around for months now ...Even survived through the winter ...It's kinda weird to think about the fact that we ended Season 2 with the camera panning upwards and revealing the prison in the background ....They spent MONTHS. moving around and they're about to end up a 100 meters away from where they were 4. Beeteedubs ...Not sure if Pat is gonna mention this ...But the pop doll behind you of Daryl... The box it came in ....The background had a prison on it... We knew it was a bit of a spoiler ... But we were hoping you just wouldn't take any notice to it since you wouldn't make the connection cause you hadn't gotten to this point yet 5. That said ....If I were to find myself in a zombie apocalypse (HIGHLY. unlikely) ...I'd DEFINITELY. consider a prison as a base (AFTER. traveling halfway across the world to try and make sure my bestie was alive ofcourse ...Priorities) ....Prisons have large walls around the whole place with lookout towers and LOTS. of room for putting down supplies and stuff ...It'd be the most fortified place to try and survive ....Hell there might even be weapons somewhere if the guards haven't taken it all .....Ofcourse there'd probably also be prisoners still in there ...Who might have all starved to death and turned into walkers ...But every section of a prison can be sealed off from eachother ...Soooo... Just clear the place one room at a time and then take that bish over (Ofcourse I doubt I'd be the only one who comes up with this idea) 6. Not sure why Rick is going in there to try and outrun the walkers towards the gate ....The group is equipped with long pointy things ....Just have the walkers ALL. come towards the fence so you can easily pick them off one by one 7. Can't blame Carl for apparently having a crush Beth ...Beth is pretty damn CUTE. 8. You asked why Michonne has 2 walkers following her like that and you kinda guessed it ....I'm pretty sure the comics explained that it kinda works the same way as people dressing themselves up in guts ....It's to confuse walkers into thinking you're one of them ...Which apparently works for her ....Amputating the arms and the jaws is a safety measure ...Cause Walkers still be walkin' y'know? 9. Damn... Lori just asked a question that I hadn't really thought of ....What if a woman is pregnant during all this shit and the baby dies inside .....Will it eat it's way out?!? .....Would it be developed enough to do that??? 10. Welp... Hershell just lost a leg and we found out there's some inmates still alive inside the prison ...Not sure how they survived all this time ...Maybe the food is all gone ...Guess we're about to find out