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OneHub link: https://ws.onehub.com/files/aqlcdsvb

Dropbox link: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/6qwg0yv9212a93xtzbum5/Doctor-Who-S01E01-Rose-FULL-REACTION.mp4?rlkey=n9gqfv44ltmy2477pwp4p29t6&st=c8l0gyww&dl=0

Sometimes the video is unavailable to stream as it takes time to process. This means you may have to download it to watch the reaction. Sorry about that!



James Yancy

I refuse to watch any Dr. Who after the 11th Doctor. Also, 10th Doctor is best Doctor.


Haha, I laughed at the April fools joke, it wasn't that bad. I mean I cried, because I love, love, love Doctor Who. But I still laughed, because I knew you would never watch it, so what did I expect :D I can't believe you're doing it now! Looking forward to your reactions!