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Wow! What an episode! What an ending! Well almost. I mean what an ending for the episode. You know what I mean. Hank and Wu… it can’t be true. Wu always funny and Hank always loyal with so much heart. I’m not okay either. He better not touch Trubel or I will kick him in the shin so hard! Of course, the prince of darkness enters our world through the public toilets, always a place to be avoided. And why naked? Couldn’t he magic clothes? If I am going to be killed by a big bad in the public toilets, I would like him to be fully clothed thank you! And then Diana! You have to watch kids, especially magical, special kids or little sisters to slayers. Gotta keep your eyes on them. They get up to no end of mischief. But my favorite part by far is the Nick/Adalind kiss! Sparks! Fireworks! Supernova! And what a smolder Nick has. Just wow! Been watching with you since episode 1 and I can’t believe it’s over. Although I did hear something about maybe a Grimm sequel like a next generation. So, maybe not goodbye but goodbye for now. So with much thanks and love, let’s begin the end of the show!

The Mad Titan

Given Diana's powers, I always thought she had a better chance against the destroyer than anyone else did. I am glad they started to speed up the tone of the show a little bit after the 2nd season. Remember how long that amnesia shit lasted? In the flashbacks it showed, nicks hair looks so different. It's much better now. Overall I really enjoyed this series and was sad to see it go. I read a few articles all saying that the show runners chose to end the show because they were out of ideas about where to take it. It's a shame. Maybe hire some different writers. There were a lot of places they could have gone with it. I appreciate you watching this show. I'm sad to see it go. I looked forward to each time you released it, and I got to watch both Stargates with it. Here's to Grimm, you will be missed. Tequila shot taken.