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Like I explained in my previous Edited artwork compilation, I'm changing my web address in several old pictures, as well as improving certain visual aspects of them (If necessary). 

This time I edited My artwork of Haruko, originally shared in march of 2015. An interesting fact about this picture is that I originally intended to submit the final picture as a flat artwork, using only the outlines and a solid color.

While I was trying to do something different than usual, playing more with the colors and the contrast between them, maybe even using pure blacks like a manga page, But I eventually I scrapped the idea. I felt some might think the effect wasn't intentional and I just left the picture half done, so I added more details the way I use to work.

Most recently, I changed the web address of the picture and decided to add more light effects to the picture, I also come up with the idea of including the show logo and adding a texture, to make it look like it was a scanned page from an anime magazine.

 I think the texture adds something you don't usually see in my artworks, but you'll tell me which version you like best :)




You did good work on this one.