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Fred, Peter's best friend, is on the job! They've been practically brothers for most of their life. Surely he'll save Peter's family! But does he really know what he's getting himself into? He's got a lot to lose... a wife, a family... it would be a shame if something were to happen to him. But Mom doesn't care, she always gets what she wants... and she gets it for Chet.



Hmm I wonder if he should have turned into a second huge bully


The fact that they neglected to give Fred the same kind of harassment about how much better Chet is means that Chet has some weird hyper focus on proving he’s manlier than Peter Conclusion Peter has a bigger dong, Chet knows it, and Chet is probably insecure about it But then again I may just be overthinking a piece of porn media


😊 Naw. I love it. I'm all about expanding the lore. I was actually thinking about briefly addressing why Chet is doing all this.

Captain Kian

Love the first Tg of this series

Mario Ritter

Any chance of you ever writing/publishing the scripts alongside the file for hearing impaired people? If not, no big deal, I can use programs to create them, but sometimes its not perfect and has a bunch of errors.