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Ok! So the last couple of weeks have mostly been a writing fest. I needed to flesh out a bunch of the stories to get things ready to power on. and it's gonna be fun! But... what's coming up this month?

  • Bully Mom 4 (audio) is releasing tonight!

  • Hell Beckons is releasing this weekend! (with a sneak peek at next week's episode)

  • This week and next week, several pages of Spread (completing this chapter and setting up the next step) and continuing pages for Demon Daughter. Additionally, I might have some pages for Hansel and Gretel at the end of the month.

  • Next chapter of Patricia v2, Black Kryptonite, and a special secret story!

  • Some special corruption images and a short animation.

  • A commission (if I can squeeze it in.)



could we get a updated pdf of all the demon daughter up to this point of this chapter to be able to read them all at once?.

Jeremiah Lewis

Black Kryptonite? Hmmm... ;}


Yeah. This current chapter is nearly done, so after that I'll get it all in PDF format. Probably next month.


Where's HB and spread? Late again


Hello Jack - Its over a week late now on the HB chapter you promised - Are we getting it today and the next chapter next week in April?


Hb ?????????


That's just the way it rolls around here.