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Hey everyone!

Thank you for continuing to support me last month through what was an extremely difficult time. My boyfriend is, unfortunately now heavily in need of additional care in the medium term after the illness he had at the start of last month.

Thanks to Personalias giving me inspiration for the trade and me pushing myself to get the audiobook out I was able to keep myself as up to speed as I was prior to it. I'm in the process of writing the final story for March, but I need to get caught up.

I'm currently a story behind per month and while there are good reasons for this it frustrates me that at the start of every month this year I've been one step behind.

You've all been so supportive and my Paton numbers have stayed stable despite all this. I owe you all so much, and I will get back up to speed. You've more than showed you'll stick with me through thick and thin and that means so, so much.

Hope you all have a lovely Easter Holiday. New story should be out by the end of the week and then I'll crack on

Love you all

Daddy Wuffster



Can't be upset when life's been dealing you bad hands back to back. Would be rather callous to even think that. I don't speak for the masses but I certainly hope things get back on the upswing and you get dealt a few Royal Straight Flushes to balance things out. You certainly have earned it!