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When Brett gets an offer to help out with a diaper modelling gig in exchange for a nice little paycheck, he thought he’d just be doing a quick favour for a friend… but this is Hazelbrook, so hijinks ensue!

RegressCo - A Modelling Gig

“Oh come on Brett it’s easy money!”

“It’s also embarrassing Kent. I’m not so desperate for work that I’m going to do diaper modelling gigs”

The two men looked at each other, the impasse of the conversation during their coffee shop meet up apparently ending the subject for the time being. Brett shifted awkwardly, adjusting his thick squirrel tail and allowing it  to get more room behind the seat. He’d been out of work for three weeks after another set of redundancies at the pension company he’d worked at. Apparently having your entire board get accused of pulling their plans due to seemingly permanent regression was a great way to tank your stock.

“Well, how about this. You come along today and see the setup, I’ve got all the gear already and I’ve acquired a special piece of experimental kit from Simpli-Fi Tech.” the cheetah responded, his whiskers flicking back and forth as he tried to smile and make his pitch.

“Simpli-Fi? How the hell did you get a hold of that? That isn’t the kind of place to just grab gear from their R&D department. How much did it cost?”

Kent leaned back in his chair and laughed “Nah man I’m just renting it. To be honest that’s the case for most of the stuff, I went through a friend who works in RegressCo.” He shifted a little and lowered his voice “Apparently it’s just a subsidiary or shell or some weird business thing. I need to get this thing off the ground and it’s better to have some stuff temporarily than just pay for gear I might not need in the future.”

Brett sighed “What kind of kit? Like, a special camera or something that’ll make me look younger?”

“Nah man, no need to look younger when you can be younger!” the cheetah smiled again as he tapped on his phone, going through social media.

“Wait… what do you mean?”

“It regresses you! Apparently their R&D department finally found a reliable way to induce regression and reverse it! Still in the testing phase but…”

“Are you serious?! You’re asking me to regress for a modelling gig and just trust I’ll go back to being an adult afterwards?!” his tail twitched “I thought you were talking about some new incontinence products or something!”

Kent moved forward again “Quiet down, not many people know about it yet and I promised to keep it on the down low.” he tapped on his phone again and showed a picture to Kent “Fine, here’s my final offer. Double rate, you get 10% of sales revenue after I start selling”

Brett groaned and sat back again, thinking to himself. Money in savings was running dry and this would, hopefully, keep him going for quite a while.

“Fine, on one condition”

Kent grinned from ear to ear “Sure man! What do you need?”

“You pay for this lunch”


Heading on the monorail towards the centre of town, Brett shuffled nervously in his seat. He’d gone home and changed ready for his day of stardom and was now heading towards to the centre of Hazelbrook. He normally worked outside the city centre serving customers in a small cafe, and felt distinctly out of his element. He looked down at the note Brett had given him as he’d left.

“Friedman Building, Nr Essex Tower, 31st March, Floor 45, studio 4. 3:30. Bring a cute toy”

The last part of the message was underlined for emphasis. He’d considered just ignoring it and not giving Kent the pleasure of seeing him with his childhood friend but to be honest, he found it kinda nice to bring the poor thing out of storage.

“Gonna be a long day Nutty” he whispered to himself. The plush obviously couldn’t have responded from within his bag but he liked to think it was as annoyed as he was that he was having to get out of bed to do this.

Once out of the station, he was greeted by the skyscraper that was Essex Tower. It covered his entire field of view, several streets wrapping themselves around it, as if pulling towards a central point.

“Where the hell is Friedman building?” he muttered, looking across the glass panels of the lobby. The building dominated his view to the extent that wandering felt like it would just lead straight back here wherever he went. Spotting a very stoic policeman he walked up to them and grabbed their attention.

“Excuse me, where can I find Friedman building?” he asked, trying to keep from sounding like a complete sap.

“Ah, newbie here huh?” The policeman was a hyena, young and clearly not quite used to avoiding a little chuckle after every sentence “Yeah, it’s just round the side of the main building.  Big sign once you’re on 32nd Street should help.”

Brett looked back at the tower and grimaced. “Just round the side” made it sound like an easy walk, but if he got anything wrong he’d have to take ten minutes just to get back here. Thankfully he managed to find the sign the policeman had informed him about, heading in through the large wooden doors at the front of the building.

A few minutes later he was getting out of the elevator on floor forty-five. A long corridor greeted him with clearly numbered doors on either side. Notably there were large numbers all placed in the dead centre of the door, rather than at the eye level of an adult. He’d hoped he’d never have to worry about why that was the case but knowing he’d be less than four foot tall in a few minutes made him realise he was slightly grateful for the accessibility of the design. It didn’t take long to walk to the door with the large number four emblazoned it, knocking a few times.

“Come in Brett! All setup here!”

As he pushed open the door, the squirrel's jaw dropped. It was a nursery, completely decked out with everything you could possibly imagine. Huge lights were set up along the wall facing into it, with camera’s pointing in various locations around the room.

“What the… Kent this is bonkers!”

The cheetah laughed “What? Did you think a diaper advert was just gonna be you wandering around a bare studio?”

“No but… how did you get all this setup?!”

“Oh my last model pulled out, this was ready a few days ago. Well, I say pulled out, he arrived and couldn’t really take directions. Got on that rocking horse and just giggled for a full five minutes. Trying to get him off caused him to tantrum like I’d stopped him drinking his favourite juicebox.” he sighed and put his hands on his hips. “Had to get it done by the end of the month though as all this is going back to Grantham Daycare storage. I’m renting the equipment from the Tower’s branch while it’s not in use.” he put his arm round Bretts shoulder “Did ya bring the toy?”

Brett sighed and pulled out the squirrel plush. It was a little dusty but it was still in very good shape, nice and fluffy with a thick plush tail. Perfect for a child to cuddle in bed.

“Awww! He’s a cutie alright” Kent chuckled “Wonder if he’ll recognise you once you’re out of the wardrobe”

“Wardrobe?” Brett responded “What wardrobe?”

Kent smirked “Remember that “kit” I talked about? It’s a wardrobe! You walk in and POOF! You walk out a toddler!”

The squirrels eyebrows raised “What, seriously? I thought it would be some high-tech piece of gear or something…”

“Nah man, the guys at Simpli-fi said this was something one of their employees had found in a furniture store. Well, he wasn’t a kid before the trip, but he was apparently with it enough to realise they could see if they use it for anything.”

“And could they?”

“Nope, they brought it in and that’s all it does. They wanted to experiment with some stuff that causes regression but this one worked pretty simply and didn't have a good use for them." Brett only partially believed that. Simpli-Fi products were accessible alternatives for regressed adults, things like smaller video game console controllers. They must have had some use...

Brett walked up the front of white, gold trimmed wardrobe against the back wall and tested the door. It opened smoothly, not a creak to it, and inside were all sorts of toddler outfits. Shortalls, onesies and shorts with big elastic waistbands.

“Wait… what happens if you go in wearing underwear”

“Haha, haven't tried that yet. It’s not like I’ve had a reason to test. I’ve just been using the hangers.” Kent walked up next to him “Well, what are you waiting for, walk in and get going.” he grinned as the squirrel went to protest “Don’t worry, I’ve got a really cute pair of kiddie briefs for you to wear when you come out when we’re done.” he went into his pocket and pulled out a pair of white tighty-whities with little teddy bears on them. Perfect for a kid just out of pull-ups.

“I hope those size up when I walk out again!”

“Sure… I think!”

Brett wasn’t encouraged “If I come out naked…”

“Dude, I’m gonna be changing you into a diaper” Kent chuckled again “Now stop stalling, come on!”

Brett sighed and looked back at the front of the wardrobe, pulling the large wooden handle and opening the door. Sure enough, babyish clothes were hung along the entire length of the rail, shortalls and onesies of varying colours greeting his eyes. Moving them to either side he stepped into the middle as Kent shut the door behind him.

The effect was immediate. There was no pain but his head immediately began to spin. The darkness of the interior made it difficult for him to work out where he was standing inside it as he felt himself dropping towards the floor. It was like falling in virtual reality, his feet felt still but his stomach dropped.

It only took a few seconds for the feeling to completely pass over him. He knew immediately that he was smaller, even in the darkness. He could also feel he was in distinctly different clothes.

“Brett, you ready to come out? Shouldn’t take that long to take effect!”

“Yea…” he stopped as soon as he heard his voice, it’s high pitch immediately taking him aback “Yeah, can you open the doors? It’s really dark in here and I’m not sure which way I’m facing anymore…”

Light came from behind him as his friend opened the doors back into the studio. The squirrel gaped as he looked up to see Kent standing over him, now twice his height.

“Oh my goodness you’re precious! Seriously, look in the mirror over there!”

Brett grimaced and started to move out of the wardrobe. The first thing he noticed immediately was the feeling of bulk between his legs, forcing him into a waddle.

“Well, that answers that question…” he muttered to himself, forcing his legs to come a little closer together as he made his way over to the mirror.

Sure enough, Kent wasn’t wrong. He looked no older than three, a squirrel with big puffy cheeks just waiting to be filled with chunky peanut butter. The wardrobe had turned his casual jeans into a pair of puffy shorts, while his t-shirt had remained intact… albeit with a cartoon bunny on it now instead of a Bronze Damsels band logo. Even his shoes had changed to a pair of brightly coloured velcro trainers.

“Huh… I guess this isn’t that baaaaa…!” a sudden horrendous sense of vertigo took over as his feet were forcibly picked up off the ground by his friend.

“Up we go! We’ve not got much time, so I’m gonna get you all prepped as quickly as I can. Try not to squirm!”

“Wa.. wait!” Brett desperately put his arms around Kents neck as the cheetah held him on his arm “Where are you…”

“To the changing table! You’re doing a diaper ad Brett, I can’t have you wearing some random brand out of that wardrobe”

Brett felt an instinctual desire to stick his thumb firmly in his maw suddenly strike him as he was carried to the padded surface. He fought it off, covering his face with his hands as a compromise so he didn’t have to watch as Kent opened up the bottom of the shortalls.

“Hah, the wardrobe put you in Teddies. Come on really? I want to get into this market and even the furniture is giving me competition” Brett could only groan as he felt wipes and powder go across his rear.

“Here we go! Astropants!” Kent pulled the squirrels hands away from his face to show him a square of plastic, blue and covered in stars.

“That… that’s the diaper?”

“Duh, it’s my design! The stars start white and go yellow when wet! Isn’t that cool?!” Kent grinned as he lifted the squirrels legs and slipped the thick padding under him. It felt remarkably comfortable, though Brett wasn’t sure if he was feeling that because it was actually nice to wear or if he just didn’t want to be naked.

“Now, let’s get that t-shirt off. Got to show off the product after all!” Brett felt the cheetah grab his paws and pull him into a seated position. The cheetah was moving too fast for him to get any chance to object, his arms going up as the t-shirt was forcibly removed. He noticed that his toddler form had a distinctly noticeable roll of baby fat that was pushing the waistband of the diaper out.

“Can I not have anything else to wear? I feel so… naked…”

Kent picked Brett up and started walking towards the playpen at the other side of the studio. There were two cameras on tripods that were positioned in such a way to capture the full space from two angles.

“I’ll pop you in one once I get the shots ok” he placed Brett down on his padded rear next to a set of toys and then walked behind one of the camera’s.

“Dude, come on I’m…”

“No time kiddo, now imagine you’ve just found your favorite toy and are crawling towards it… ACTION!”

Bretts jaw dropped, anger rising up in him. There was part of him fighting to throw a full-on tantrum but he bit his tongue and turned to face the contents of the playpen. He spotted a puzzle block set a few steps away and crawled towards it, feeling his butt wiggling behind him.

Grabbing one of the small shapes he started slipping them into the relevant holes, making sure to occasionally switch positions around it to let Kent get different shots, the cheetah giving him encouragement from the sidelines.

“Great going Brett, keep playing! Really love how you’re putting stuff in the wrong holes, it’s really hitting the “baby” feel on the head!”

“Huh?!” Kent looked down at his hands. Sure enough, he was starting to slip a semi-circle into the top of the square hole, his hand patting it a few times as if to confirm what he was doing. Another feeling, one of shame, started to well up inside him and he sat back on his butt, letting the block fall from his hands. The emotion felt way stronger than he was used to, a sniffle coming to his muzzle.

“Ok, I think I got what I need from that set, time for another activity!” Brett strode over to the side of the playpen, grabbing the squirrel as he started to tear up.

“Aww, you ok? Don’t worry, I think I only need one more set and then we’ll get you back to up adulthood! I can still use of the old models stuff too”

Kent smiled back at Brett as he hugged his neck. For whatever reason he felt far more comfortable holding onto the cheetah than being stuck in the playpen. Maybe it was just being stuck in this stupid small body…

“Right, sit on this rocking horse, I’ll be behind… Oh wow! Dude, thanks you didn’t have to help show off the wetness indicators!”

Kent pulled back from the cheetah and looked down. Sure enough, the stars were visibly yellow and bright. He’d soaked the diaper at some point during the last shot and not even noticed.

“This’ll look great in the crib set. Stand up at the bars and hold on like you’re desperate to get up for a long day of play!”

As Kent set Brett down in the crib, he instinctively tried to grab back at the cheetah. He didn’t even need to be directed to pull himself back up to the bars. He wanted out immediately, this wasn’t where he wanted to be at all!

“Right… ACTION!”

Kent bounced a little, feeling the weight of the diaper pushing his legs further apart with the new swell from his accident. He looked up at the ceiling, the lights of the studio dazing him a little. Everything felt so big, so… scary. He let go of the bars and dropped back onto his butt again.

“Kent, you ok? Oh wait! This is great…”

Brett lay onto his back, noticing the mobile above the headboard of the crib. His hands started to pat away at the animals, spinning them around.

“Good stuff! You look adorable Kent! Aww man this is… Wait, there’s someone at the…”

Brett felt his eyes start to droop as Brett went out of earshot. His thumb worked its way into his muzzle before he could think further. Drowsiness took over, his ears just about picking out bits and pieces of conversation.

“You can’t… middle of a… you said I… end of March!”

“Sir… collecting for Grantham… it’s five thirty…. End of contract.”

Something was going on around him. He could hear things being moved around him, but his eyes couldn’t really focus with the studio lights blinding him as he looked back up and out of the crib.

“This isn’t from the daycare! It’s from Simpli-Fi! I have to give it back!”

“Sir, we’ll deal with that later. This is all going downstairs until we hear otherwise.”

Brett noticed a bull talking to Brett, extremely heavy set, taking the wardrobe tilting it backwards until it was on a wheeled trolley. Several other large animals were taking other pieces of the studio apart.

“Nuuuuhhhh!” he didn’t know why exactly but he desperately didn’t want them to take it away.

“Huh, there’s a kid in there?!” The bull turned to face the crib “What the hell man, get him out of here before we take the crib away.”

“I just need this wardrobe for a few more minutes! Come on!” Brett was trying to pull the guy back but he easily shrugged him off.

“You could’ve paid for more time and you didn’t. Come back when you’ve got more cash”

Brett went to argue again but a snort from the bull clearly made him think twice. Instead he turned to face Kent. The squirrel was sniffling, his eyes filling with tears. Something was very, very wrong, but he couldn’t place what. He grabbed onto the bars, his tiny hands tightening as he tried to pull his way up. Instead all it managed to achieve was a different feeling, one that very quickly took over as his muscles started tightening.

“Oh goodness Kent, come on don’t…”

He could just about hear the cheetahs voice. It made him smile, made him feel safer as he felt the tightness in his stomach leave him slowly. A smile curled it’s way onto his muzzle as he felt a mass push out against his bottom, spreading against the rear of his diaper. He had a vague sense that he knew what he was doing, that it wasn’t the right thing to do. But with the lights of the studio and the sighing and defeated face of his friend in front of him, the squirrel simply let himself fall backwards onto his butt, the garment smushing under him as he did so. A little wiggle of his butt and the big fluffy tail behind him finished up the act as Brett grimaced.

“Well… at least I know I had a good product…”


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