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When a babysitter heads over to a new charge, he tries one of his common techniques to help the little one with his feeding… but it doesn’t go as planned

Taking a Sip

“Thank you dear, I’m sure Retsy won’t give you much trouble”

Troy smiled back at his employer “It’s ok, Mrs Dreyden, I’ve taken care of lots of kids before.”

“Well, we’ll be on the phone if you need us ok? Have a nice evening!” Mrs Dreyden closed her handbag and walked out the door, leaving the panther to sigh as he opened his own sports bag. Babysitting had become a regular occurrence for the college student, a good way to make some additional cash in the evenings when he wasn’t out at a party or working on his essays. He pulled out a plush from his bag, his ever reliable little wolf, and headed down the hallway to the nursery. 

He had a system with all these kids, especially ones who were on the larger side. The Dreydens were rhino’s, and upmarket ones at that. Father was a banker and mother was an author, on parenting no less. He’d have his work cut out for him today, he knew how big this kid was likely to be and he’d need to be on his toes.

As he opened the door he was immediately impressed by the size of the room. The nursery was huge, everything clearly sized with a family of heavy set mammals in mind. All the furniture was made of thick wood, the playpen having a good five feet of mesh around it to keep the little one inside.

“Little one”... The thought was immediately replaced in Troy's mind when he saw the kid playing with a couple of toys on the mat in the corner. He was big, at least 3 ft tall and as wide as Troy! He was dressed in a onesie that was stretched over the top of a diaper that pushed his adorable stubby legs apart. Species like rhinos normally crawled for far longer than others just purely because their legs tended to stay short, even until they were in their teens.

“Hey kiddo!” Troy walked across to the outside of the playpen, looking in over the top of the mesh “I’m gonna be your…”

“PPPPFFFFPPPTTT” the rhino blew a huge raspberry back at the panther, giggling a little as his legs went up and down in glee.

“Heh… well I guess that’s one way to say hello…” Troy sighed and smiled. At least this kid didn’t seem perturbed by him at all, some of his previous charges had panicked the moment they realised their parents were out. He seemed more than happy to have him around. He dropped the wolf plushie in with the rhino.

“Here, if I leave the room, you can know that I’m here ok Retsy?”

The rhino barely paid him any heed, but the plush grabbed his attention. He pulled the arm of the wolf close to him and pulled him into his chest. Troy smiled, this was going very well if he was taking to the plush that quick.

“I’ll go get you a bottle, you be good!” the panther waved to Retsy, who paid him no heed. Troy smiled to himself as he headed back to the kitchen, happy that this job was already turning into one of the easier ones he’d had this week. A quick perusal through the various shelves of the fridge to find some milk was matched by the speed of finding a bottle in the first cupboard he opened. The Dreydens kept this place very organised!


Oh no…


Troy hastily secured the top of the bottle and ran back to the nursery. Retsy was throwing the mother of all tantrums, but it wasn’t immediately obvious what the cause was.

“Whoa… whoa kiddo, what’s the matter” he opened the playpen gate and got down one knee, holding the bottle out “Do you want a baba?”

The rhino, tears in eyes, looked at the beverage holder like he’d seen a ghost. He shook his head vigorously, his sobbing calming slightly as he backed off from Troy.

“You don’t want it?” Troy shook it side to side in his hand, trying to reassure the kid “It’s not a bad baba is it?”

To his surprise the rhino started to nod. That was a response he hadn’t seen to that question before. He’d had charges who weren't really that keen on being fed by him, but not ones that had seemed so perturbed by the bottle itself.

“It’s not gonna hurt you kiddo, it’s just your baba!” he got on his hands and knees, holding the bottle out in front of him, its teat right in the rhino’s face. The kid looked genuinely scared, as if Troy was offering him hemlock. The panther sighed, deciding to resort to his last trick for this situation.

“Look kiddo, I’ll take a sip and then you can and we’ll go from there ok?” he pulled the bottle to his lips, the rubber of the nipple going between his teeth. With a little sucking motion he started to draw the milk out of the top.

“MMmm… see it… wow…” the panther stopped. Was that really milk? It tasted so sweet! He took another sip of the contents. It was delicious, unlike any drink he’d had before.

“Heh, your parents mupphh… mupph” Troy felt funny. He could feel himself suckling as he looked down as his charge, the bottle having returned to his maw. He hadn’t wanted to do that.. Had he?

“Mppph… so… so tasty” the panther felt himself roll onto his back, his body going into autopilot, his eyes closing and blacking out his vision. Everything seemed to go foggy, his mind entirely focused on the slow and steady rhythm of suckling down the milk. He managed to get his eyes open enough to see the bottle was barely half-empty, his hands supporting it above his head as knees slowly raised themselves off the ground. He could hear a little giggle coming from behind him, his eyes catching Retsy crawling around to his side.


Troy tried to pull the bottle out again but it was to no avail. Each thought of getting it out of his mouth was met with a stronger one that told him how good it tasted, how nice it was to suckle on the teat, how the feeling of warmth in his tummy was only going to get better.


He could hear his charge next to him, his high voice carrying through his brain. This was wrong, why couldn’t he stop drinking, why did this taste so good? The questions shot through his mind one by one, each one falling away almost as soon as they arrived.

Suddenly he was suckling air. He opened his eyes fully, his eyes immediately noticing the empty state of the bottle. He yanked it free of his mouth with surprising ease, some of the fog of his head settling.

“Wh.. what was…”

He looked behind him, Retsy was sitting down with a big smile on his face, his little horn bobbing a little as he sucked on his thumb.

“So… sorry Retsy… Guess I was… thirsty… I think”

Retsy giggled “You baby!” his legs bounced up and down as he pulled his thumb free from his mouth.

Troy chuckled, rolling himself onto his hands and knees, getting into a crawl “Haha, very funny. At least you’re not bawling anymore I suppose…” he tapped the rhinos horn, eliciting a giggle and more of his adorable squirming.

“Baby, baby, baby!” Retsy just kept laughing, repeating the word over and over.

“Guess that’s one of your first words huh?” Troy responded sitting down and facing him. He felt almost the same size at this level, the panthers head just about reaching above Retsy’s ears. He looked around the playpen, trying to find a suitable toy to give the rhino to keep his attention while he went back to get him another drink. Definitely not doing the milk this time…

“Aha, perfect!” he found the wolf plush from earlier, popping it on his lap and moving it from side to side, pretending to give it a personality.

“Hey Retsy, I’m Jimmy the Wolf.” he put on a silly high voice, trying to make the rhino laugh a little. He was failing dismally, the rhino just looking confused.

“I’m….umm..” he stopped for a second, looking down at the plush. Had he really been that soft before? His hands wrapped around the wolf's stomach, then his arms as the panther pulled him into a hug.

“He’s… really soft and…” he trailed off as his eyes met with the small beads that were facing outwards from the plush head. The same fog that had come over his mind as he’d been suckling on the bottle came back anew, his body feeling loose.

“What… what’s happening…” he lay down on his back, the plush falling onto his chest. It suddenly felt so heavy, like the toy was keeping him pinned to the ground. He reached up to try to remove it, but his arms didn’t want to properly respond.

“Ret.. Retsy… can…” he felt a slither of saliva coming down from his muzzle. He was drooling, his words slurring around his tongue.

“Baaaby” Retsy crawled over, sitting down next to Troy and taking the plush in his paws. The panther felt like he could move again for a second before the rhino started playing with the plush on his chest, moving him around as if he was walking up his torso.

“I’m Jimmy da Wolf!” Retsy repeated the introduction from earlier, bouncing the plush up and down.

Troy couldn’t help but giggle, it was like he was being tickled without the intrusion. Every second that went by made him feel less and less focused on his surroundings, with just the movement and softness of the plush in front of him really mattering to his increasingly addled mind.


He heard Retsy’s voice again, the rhino giggling as he continued to keep the wolf planted firmly on his chest. He wanted to respond, to refute the feeling that he was being teased by the young boy, but he couldn’t.

He could start to feel something in his stomach, like a low hum. He wondered if it was the milk settling, the warmth from which still felt like it was travelling through him. He could feel it starting to spread around his groin, as though he was…


He couldn’t stop it. He knew what was happening in that moment but there was no part of his brain that felt able to respond. The warm wetness of his urine started to pool under him, spreading under his butt.

“Ewww!” Retsy recoiled, dropping the plush off of Troy and crawling away from him. With the toy finally removed from his body, the panther felt his mind start to reform some semblance of awareness.

“I… Oh god… what… what did I do?”

He looked down at himself. Sure enough, his trousers were soaked, the foam mat of the playpen sticking to their cotton rear. Thankfully that would be easily wiped clean but there was no way to say the same for his pants.

“Baby!” Retsy was crawling back over towards him, at some speed. Troy immediately recognised what he was holding, a large crinkling white square decorated in adorable designs.

“Tha… that’s a diaper Retsy… put it back”

The rhino shook his head, tapping the front of Troy's pants with the offending underwear “Diapey!”

“Retsy, please… I don’t know what’s…” he pulled himself up into a seated position, the horrible feeling of his own accident making him blush “I don’t know what’s happening…”

The rhino was unperturbed. He continued to lightly bap away, keeping his eyes focussed on the small pool of pee that had escaped from the panthers flies.

“Please… stop…” Troy felt his arms, still weakened, grasp towards the diaper, taking it in one swipe from the rhino, who recoiled away.

“Baby!” the squealing child could barely seem to contain his annoyance at the sudden soaking of his play space, his face turning into a visible pout. Troy meanwhile looked at the diaper Retsy had managed to pull free from one of the open packs on the changing table. It was big, clearly designed for an animal with wide hips and big legs. It was thick too, he knew that the Dreydens would have kept stock of this stuff but he’d never thought about how different each one could be. As he turned it over he felt his other hand reach to his groin, squishing the sodden cotton surrounding his nethers.

“Eeugh… what do I do about this…” he tried to clamber to his feet but his legs may as well have been made of jelly. As he tried to get to his feet, he barely made it halfway up before he fell back onto his rear, once again becoming intimately familiar with the accident he’d just had.

“Crap…” he rubbed his head, trying to refocus and regain some modicum of control. He couldn’t be found like this, he had to at least try to get up and…

He realised he was still holding the diaper in his paw. He could feel the desire to put it on enter his brain, he recognised the start of what was happening.

“Retsy… what’s happening?”

The rhino cocked his head and popped his thumb in his mouth.


The voice wasn’t coming from Retsy. It was coming from inside his own head. Even as the panther tried to fight and block it out, he could feel his arms pulling his pants off, dragging his sodden underwear down with them to his ankles before pulling them free. He could feel a tear going down his cheek as whatever was doing this to his mind pulled the little strings that his arms had no choice but to obey. With practiced motions from his babysitting experience, he was in autopilot, pulling the diaper open and fluffing it slightly with a dumb grin on his face.

He lay back, his eyes heading to the ceiling as he felt himself push his butt into the air, slipping the diaper underneath it as drool started to dribble down his muzzle. His brain was losing this conflict with every second, his body betraying him to the strange desires that were forcing his arms to pull the front up between his legs.


He heard the voice louder this time as his fingers grasped at the tapes on the wings. The diapers were big, big enough to fit his adult cat frame and his larger thighs even if their fit wasn’t perfect. The little rhino paw prints wouldn’t match his furry body but that was the least of his concerns. As the wings of the padding tightened around his sides and the tapes stuck to the landing zone he felt himself start to drift even further back. His eyes closed as his legs fell to the floor, his thumb working it’s way into his muzzle as he started to suckle. The realisation entered his brain that with the diaper on, there was no way to stop this feeling like he had for the bottle or the plush.

He was stuck. He was helpless. He was just like a…



Troy opened his eyes to the sound of shuffling around him. Retsy was at his side, his thumb was still planted in his maw and he could feel the drool dribbling down his chin.

“Goodness, what happened?!”

Troy's eyes widened as he looked over to the doorway. Standing there were the figures of Mr and Mrs Dreyden, both of them still dressed in their date night best, staring at his diapered and prone form.

“Baby!” Retsy shouted, pointing directly at Troy. The panther could barely even form the words to argue in that instant, his thumb dropping from his mouth as he blubbered.

“I… I’m sorry… I…”

The mother came over to the side of the playpen, her eyes not filled with anger at his state but an almost disturbingly maternal glow.

“Oh dear, Retsy, what did you do to your poor babysitter” she opened the playpen, surveying the scene. Retsy had clearly not really done much except played with toys by the looks of it, even as Troy had slept in nothing but his diaper and the t-shirt he came in.

“Whoopsie, looks like he had a bit of a leak” she picked the panthers pants and underwear up off the ground and folded them neatly.

“I... I’m so sorry Mrs Dreyden I…” Troy could feel tears coming to his eyes as he used what energy he had to move to a seated position. The crinkling of the diaper under him made him blush, unable to keep the embarrassment from visibly reddening his cheeks.

“It’s ok Troy, I’m not angry with you” she walked over to the changing table, grabbing some wipes and a washcloth “Why would I be, after all I can’t imagine you meant for any of this to happen”

He shook his head “I didn’t! I… had a sip from that bottle and.. And after that everything started to feel weird…”

Mrs Dreyden picked the bottle up off the floor, letting some of the milk dribble out of it “You finished the whole thing?”

Troy nodded.

“And did you play with Retsy like we wanted you to?”

He nodded again, she seemed to be understanding what he’d gone through!

“Did you have an accident after that?”

He nodded enthusiastically “Yes! And… and a voice inside my head kept telling me I was… I was…”

He stared into Mrs Dreydens eyes. For a moment his body tightened up before he realised, too late, what was happening. His thumb returned to his maw as he tried to finish his sentence, but his mind seemed to lose track of his speech before it could even get close to his tongue.

“A voice hmm? A voice that told you to get into one of my little ones' diapers after you wet yourself…” she kissed him on the nose before ruffling his head fur.

“I wonder if it told you if you were a baby…”


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