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 Getting a Soaking

Whatever happened today, Liam was sure it wasn’t going to be fun. Waking up had been a chore, sorting his ruffled hair into some kind of shape in front of the mirror had felt like trying to tame a small animal and every part of his fur felt like it was stood on end. The wolfs tail was being a pain as well, twitching from side to side and making his mood obvious to anyone stood behind him. Adjusting the rear view mirror of his small hatchback, he glanced down the parking lot of the mall to try and find a space. Muttering to himself under his breath as each one seemed to close on him seconds before his arrival, he finally found a spot a short walk from the front door. He’d take that small mercy, today he was just after some new jeans and a few toiletries and going through thirty minutes of parking was not something he would’ve looked forward to.

Making his way through the automatic double doors he bee-lined towards the pharmacy on his right-hand side. The sterile floor and bright lights just added to the general sense of unease he was feeling, grabbing some shower gel with his grey paws and hurriedly putting them in a basket before heading towards the next aisle. His eyes glanced sideways, spotting the rows of diapers and baby items that were opposite the toothpaste he needed. They always made him feel a little jealous, the sense of longing tugging at his brain. He’d thought about buying some before, but he didn’t want to have to explain to anyone who came to visit and happened upon a Pawpers in his trash why it was there. Without really thinking about it he pulled at the belt of his trousers, a slight twinge in his bladder indicating that it was probably a good idea to start looking for the nearest restroom. Not to worry, he could do that after collecting his jeans, it’s not like it would take that long.

The queue for the pharmacy wasn’t long, a couple of young foxes were holding onto their mothers hand in front of him, one doing the little dance that any parent or caretaker could recognise from a mile away. Liams head went back to his own bladder, his paws shifting on the spot as he looked back to see the little fox stop for a second, his legs slowly widening. Liam smiled to himself as they reached the front of the queue and the little guy waddled steadily alongside his mother, the packs of Pawpers in her cart an indicator that this was a common occurrence. As he was called up to the next cashier, Liam pulled his items out of the basket and blinked a couple of times. He hadn’t remembered picking up that rather colourful brand of shampoo, but whatever. This day was already weird and he didn’t really care that much provided it got the job done. Giving the cashier the correct change for once at least let him get some of the old cents from his wallet out of the way.

A short walk later out from the pharmacy and down to a large two story department store was the wolfs next objective. As he stepped over the boundary of the clothing section, he felt his bladder complain again. The coffee from the morning was clearly giving him hell, he should’ve just gone before he left home. He decided against just leaving for the bathroom, he only needed to find a pair of trousers to replace a pair that was long past its time. Heading towards the menswear section he felt himself starting to walk faster and more gingerly, visibly agitated by the feeling in his lower abdomen. Looking up and down the rows of ever more generic looking blue cotton pants he finally found a canine pair in his size and wrapped them round his arm. As he headed towards the desk he could’ve sworn he felt himself lose a little bit of control, a little spurt that his boxers managed to absorb. He’d definitely misjudged this situation, by the time he was at the counter he was desperately resisting the urge to do a potty dance on the spot. Handing over his card to the cashier he managed to get his PIN wrong twice before finally managing it on the third try. He could swear she looked concerned but he didn’t care at this point, he just needed to get out of the store.

Reaching the walkway he glanced left and right, seeing the sign for the restrooms and darting towards them as quickly as he could, bags glancing along the back of his legs. He was so close now, the signs above the doors were virtually staring right back him…

It was then that he felt it, the dam steadily but forcefully giving way. A trickle that refused to stop, a stinging pain that forced him up against the wall just outside the bathroom. As he grasped the front of his increasingly damp pants, the wolf breathed out as he accepted his humiliating fate. What had begun as a slight flow suddenly burst into a flood, the patter of liquid hitting the tiled floor of the shopping centre like an orchestra of embarrassment for the canine. He could only look up, enjoying the relief from the pain and trying to ignore what he imagined must be a crowd of laughing onlookers.

“Oh dear, are you alright there?”

Liam opened his eyes to see the fluffy black fur of a dog, a cross breed of some kind, staring down at him.

“You seem to have had a little accident” she stated with an air of concern that was disarming to the desperate wolf. 

“Come on, let’s get you cleaned up” without a second for the canine to respond he felt himself being dragged through one of the doors he’d only minutes ago he’d have wanted to get through on his own. But he was shocked to find himself staring not at a row of cubicles of a typical bathroom but instead a single large table, padded and well furnished with a dispenser for disposable gloves and soap on one side and wet wipes on another. He barely had time to think about this development than the arms of the dog found their way under his armpits and lifted him with ease onto the cold and slightly crinkly surface of the table, his shopping bag dropping to the floor and spilling its contents. Just as he felt himself get ready to forcefully push back against his new assailant, he felt a strap go over his stomach, securing him to the table and a large rubber nipple find its way into his maw.

“Ssshhh… it’s ok baby, everyone has accidents sometimes” the dog cooed, an almost eerie motherly look on its face. Liam felt the energy start to drain from his body, each suckle on the nipple removing more and more of it until his arms fell limply to his side. He could only groan a little past the pacifier as his pants were pulled off, the dampness around his groin reminding him of his earlier accident. 

“Now, where did I put… aha, here they are”

Liam look over to see the dog going through the now scattered items from what he thought was his shopping. The wolf could only look on confused when the dog pulled a huge pack of diapers free from the paper bag, covered in adorable designs that would’ve made him grin in any other circumstance.
“Now hold still while I get you cleaned up” the dog, the breed of which Liam was slowly starting to identify was a corgi of some kind, started to pull on the gloves and wipe him down with cold baby wipes from the dispenser, carefully moving around his nether regions and removing the warmth from his urine soaked fur. The five minutes of wiping that followed felt like an hour to the wolf, but he couldn’t deny the relaxation he felt in this moment.

“Now, some powder” the corgi announced, bringing what the wolf initially thought was the shower gel he’d purchased half-an-hour or so ago, only to see it transform in front of his eyes. What on earth…

“Upsy daisy” she continued, hoisting his legs up to the ceiling, putting a diaper under him and patting down his rear with the white, sweet smelling substance.

“Soon you’ll be good as new!” the corgi was clearly enjoying this, Liam thought. How… why was she doing this? He felt so strange as the padding was lifted up over his groin and tapped shut, his lower abdomen now covered in cute pictures of Disney characters and a large yellow wetness indicator that…

“Oh dear! You weren’t finished were you?!”

The wolf groaned as he felt himself release again, his bladder almost instantly feeling as full as it had prior to being accosted by this strange dog. A stream had already started to fill the thirsty diaper he’d been changed into, it’s front discolouring and the wetness indicator changing from its yellowish tint to a deep blue that betrayed his continued lack of control.
“Wow, I guess this wasn’t just a one off accident huh?” The corgi pulled up his shirt, rubbing his stomach in slow circular motions, eliciting a surprised moan from the wolf. Everything about this felt like fantasy, but he was trapped… wasn’t he? He could still feel the warmth in his diaper continuing to grow, the padding swelling to capacity until finally the stream died down, allowing him to settle onto the now squishy and sodden pulp beneath his rear.
“Well we can’t just take you out like this again!” the corgi tutted dramatically “Guess I’m changing you again! Oh well, doesn’t look like my little guy minds that much…”

Liam tried to squirm but his body was having none of it. He could feel a smile creeping onto his maw as the wet diaper… his wet diaper… was removed from under him and the wiping began a new, this time focussed on his thighs and privates. With another dash of powder, his legs returned above his head. He could swear the corgi’s paws were shifting, like a liquid around his toes. He could feel them tickling at the base of his feet, his grin widening as a small giggle came from his maw. Deep down he was enjoying this, the comfort and belonging of being in a fresh, clean diaper washed over him as the corgi once again taped up the padding round his waist. It pushed his legs apart, not that he felt like wanted to close them at this point, the leg guards rubbed against his slightly mottled fur, the baby wipes having left it slick and fragrant.

“Now, maybe you’ll be able to keep this dry for a little….” The corgi started to talk to the wolf but he stopped paying attention as his eyes widened. His diaper was warming again, but this time he couldn’t feel the stream. He knew he was wetting, but he had no control and no desire to regain it. This was bliss, every second of this experience was something he wanted to keep going, to extend outwards into infinity. He felt the paw of the corgi once again start to rub on his stomach, the strap on the changing table beginning to loosen as she let it slide off of his increasingly relaxed body.

“Come on baby, you’re such a super soaker aren’t you?” she cooed, lifting him effortlessly onto her arm, his head resting on his shoulder. Her fur wasn’t like any he’d felt before, it was shimmering in the light and moved against the draft in the bathroom, almost independently of anything else. Every hair seemed to want to caress him as the corgi carried him out of the bathroom…

And then he awoke, eyes steadily opening as he looked at the red lights of his alarm clock steadily shifted from 8:01 to 8:02. He’d slept past his alarm, though not by enough to warrant worrying about getting out from under the warm and silky covers. His mind wandered back to the dream, the feeling of the soaked padding round his waist eliciting another smile on his maw as his hand wandered towards his groin almost instinctively.

And met thick, squishy plastic. The warmth of a newly soaked diaper wrapped around his waist was as viscerally clear as it had been not moments ago. It was in this moment of realisation that his brain hit another snag that made his fur stand on end.

He’d gone to bed without a duvet…

“How’s my little baby this morning?”


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