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First update of the night, second to follow shortly. Marnie in a look inspired by The Comedian of Alan Moore's incomparable Watchmen. Because they've been sitting on my desktop for awhiles, and because i think we're less than a month away from DC finally paying off on the brilliant bit from Rebirth with Batman finding Mr. Blake's pin in the Batcave. 

Zip here:  https://we.tl/jiNeIX6MvV

Do you wonder if Richard Nixon ever got around to reading Watchmen?  And if he did, what the fuck did he make of it? (i hope he got to read it...)




Great set, can't ever get enough Watchmen. Great thought about Nixon, I would guess 1) No, he never got around to reading it, and 2) If he did, he really liked the way Manhattan settled the Vietnam conflict. I'm just sad he never got to see himself and Agnew portrayed on Futurama.