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Kera in an Anti-Gwenom set.  Zip here:  https://we.tl/qeuN2mLEUb

With a gun to my head, i couldn't tell you which is better, between Split, Lego Batman, and Logan. Insane that 3 months into 2017, and there's already 3 new all-time champs. Doubly insane that there may be a fourth by the end of the month, when Ghost in the Shell drops. 




I've seen some of Kera's... other work. Bravo bringing her on board here.


Yeah, she's done some adult stuff, but has largely moved on from that...she's currently working on a big mainstream film, in a really interesting capacity. Hoping she'll talk about that here, when she's allowed.


Cool. I hope to hear more about that and to see more of her around here.