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I can't believe there's a Snake-Eyes standalone movie, it's been out for like a month, and i haven't seen it, yet. Makes zero sense to me, but will correct that as soon as possible. Anyway, here's Zody and Zenn in Scarlett and Snake-Eyes inspired looks, respectively...download the full sets here:    https://we.tl/t-IrleVnd53k   (updated link)   or preview the contents via airtable, here:    https://airtable.com/shrUa7QPCUtLXk0z2 

I have at least seen The Suicide Squad a good 3x, or so...loved it intensely, and loved seeing Red Letter Media give it a positive review (2 DC movies in a row!)




This set's also expired. Any chance a new link will go up?


Yes - sorry, something went weird w/ wetransfer. Should have a new set up tonight, will reupload + fix those 2 broken links at the same time.