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Here's the first of three sets going up, right now: Livv in a Pink Ranger look. Download the full set here:   https://we.tl/t-tD6u60wYW7   (updated link)   , or peruse the images first via airtable, here: https://airtable.com/shr3ovcPsXYotqc7H

I do apologize for disappearing for like a month; my laptop's hard drive just collapsed (presumably under the resource requirements of Premiere and After Effects), which set off a bout of existential uncertainty, while simultaneously getting inundated in work-work. 

Took a 4 day fuck-off into the deep, deep desert to do a lot of hiking, and getting right up adjacent against heat death, to get my head a little straighter, and kind of reaffirm my commitment to everything i'm working on...

Again, sorry. If you're still here, God Bless. Feeling confident some new + interesting stuff will come from all this.




Glad you were able to get away and clear your head. We all know how crazy life can be and sometimes getting away for a little while is a great thing. Keep happy, keep safe and we look forward to all of your posts. Cheers!


4 day fuck-off are perfect for clearing the head. Take two and call me in the morning. :)


Glad you were able to clear your head by getting away from the city and recalibrating yourself! I've been away for days and missed this set going online. Any chance the download link will get reactivated? In the past you've let us know when stuff is limited or only available until a certain date.


Yeah...this wasn't supposed to be limited, this is wetransfer being weird. Sorry about that - should have a new set going up this evening, will reupload + fix the link at the same time.