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I know Wonder Woman 84 didn't suit everyone's taste, but as an admirer of Pedro Pascal,and a massive fan of Maxwell Lord in the comics, as kind of the median between Bruce Wayne and Lex Luthor, i dug it. If you're at all on the fence, this guy's take is pretty solid. 

Also, also, good God, that trailer for Nobody really is something special. As much as i adore the Matt Reeves' Batman trailer...did anyone not expect that to be brilliant? Nobody kind of edges past just by virtue of being a complete surprise + coming out of nowhere. Equilibrium-tier gunkata shit.




I live for this list, thanks for posting. I was nervous to watch Possessor and seeing it at no.2, removes all my fears. :)


Love to poach from your year end lists, as always, thank you sir. Also, more Gee, please


>birds of prey based I knew i didn't choose wrong when all these years ago I started to actually look into the movies you were shilling on your blog.