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Here's Gee in an alt cosplay look inspired by Watchmen's Silk Spectre. Or her Before Watchmen costume, anyway? Whatever, i liked this. Download the zip set here:  https://we.tl/t-kJQxricoYC

Shot new stuff yesterday, should have something up by the weekend. In the meantime, will go pick up Batman #97, hike for 40 minutes in 100+ degree heat, and go read it on top of a big cliff, like God intended.




I really like this set, I hadn't really noticed her freckles before in her other sets, I like them, excellent pictures of a very pretty lady.


Wow, she is stunning. Amazing work in front and behind the camera. Love her crooked smirk. I know, you're all thinking, that's not what he was looking at...but I was. Mostly.


Gee is next-level hot. The Watchmen GN is arguably the best GN ever. Together, they are volcanic. Ever consider doing a take on The Comedian?


we actually did a Comedian look - artistic license taken on the design, but i liked how it came out...here's Kat + Marnie in it: https://www.patreon.com/posts/there-are-no-17892895 https://www.patreon.com/posts/breakfast-of-8432015 will reshoot that, soon, to try and fill the void in my heart left by no Watchmen season 2