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I know it has been long time since the last post. I didn't even release that I haven't posted in a month. That's on me, I said that I would be more active with these posts. To be honest crypto markets have been stealing most of my time, If you've been a long time supporter you know that I'm very invested in crypto. I'm very excited for this and the next year. 

I've been getting messages asking if the project is dead. No, the project is not dead! It is very much alive and getting developed daily. The next update was supposed to be out at the end of February. I missed the deadline but I wanted to set it anyway, having a deadline would speed up the development which it has.

There's no new news from the last post, I'm still working on the next missions, the old man punishments, (all animations are done) and making the innkeeper scenes feel more in place since the new changes to that path. 

Expect a few more days before the new update is ready for release! 


Yours truly WhiteRaven 




Good evening WhiteRaven, how are you? Sorry to be too boring but we need a position on the release of the game update! It's been a long time since the last update....Please give us an estimate at least of when it will actually be released


Good evening whiteraven, I’ve got so questions about future updates. Do you think you’ll ever have an outfit system where you can pick what you wear when you want ? And also a picture display as you walk around the town ? Thank you