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- When is the next update coming out WhiteRaven? Please I need it yesterday! 

- Expect the update before the end of February! There's still a lot of things to do before it is ready! Don't worry about asking me, it is great to see that there's many people who is interested in the next update! 

First of, thank you all for the great support both with the pledges but also with the suggestions and bug reports. This game wouldn't be the same without the conversation we are all having together on this platform! Thanks!

Last update focused on the story, bugs, dreams and meanwhile scenes. I think in the end we got close to smashing out 100 bugs together counting the bugfixes. Also changed 24 animations from clunky 2 picture animations that was feeling way too slow and boring. 

Meanwhile scenes

I wanted to make the meanwhile scenes fit the story a better but also add some more information about what is happening to Victoria's mother. Time is supposed to be a factor in the game for Victoria's mother and the meanwhile scenes are supposed to show the changes that's happening.

Tavern sex

I did also add more sex scenes inside the tavern with random people that will later on have its own bad ending. The sex scenes are random and uses the old whore animations. I want to make it possibly for Victoria to meet the same character more than one time in future updates. 


I made sure that having two dreams a night wasn't coming off as a bug but something that's intended from my side. This change is very old, and intended to speed up the different paths in the game. There's too many different dreams which are supposed to show off the mind transformations. But the balance for unlocking new scenes is not 100% yet. I'm also considering letting the player have more than two dreams a night. 

Maybe having a second dream removes 25 mp from Victoria and staying in bed getting a third dream will take another 25 mp and make it night. I'm not sure if this would break the game itself because of the quests that has to start during the day but maybe just keeping it as 2 dreams and the second dream removing 25 mp. 

What are your thoughts about the update? Do you like the path A New Dawn is taking? I love to read your thoughts, feedback or just comments so don't hesitate! 

Future plans

Next update will focus on the old man and minotaur death scene. For more information about each scene read the public document. I want to keep this post somewhat short! 

I want to share some pictures hopefully displaying the future of A New Dawn in a comprehensive way. 

This one is a simplified "flowchart" of the main quest from start to end. Basically it shows the three different main path I have intended for the game. 

The key characters for each path is Sarah, Priapra and Bogwart. But there's more characters involved in each path. For example will Sarah, Anne and Sophie be involved in Priapras path but the key character will be Priapra. 

Below shows a little more in depth. I hope the images is visible enough or that you can zoom in and read them.

This is the start of the game, slave path and the quests up to infiltrating the brothel. We can call it act 1 just for simplicity. 

Then it branches out, either you defeat the succubus or you start seeing Bogwart. Anyone of these paths can be changed at any time, until they are completed. If you're cum addicted you can remove it and if you're seeing Bogwart you can just simply stop seeing him. Until you choose to finish one of the quest lines. 

Act 2 infiltrate the brothel or start seeing Bogwart, you'll also decide if Sarah or Priapra is the key partner for act 3.

Act 3 Victoria infiltrates the orc city or starts living in the orc city with Bogwart. In the picture showing the quests for act 2 you can see some of the requirements for having Priapra as the key character instead of Sarah. 

There's a lot to say about each act but I want to keep this posts somewhat short. Even if Victoria starts infiltrating the orc city the option to go there with Priapra will be open. The only hard lock will be after Sarah has seen Priapra too much. 

Bad ends inside human town. 

These are somewhat of an achievement system and not really intended to break the story line. In a way they are sort of mini endings to the game itself but instead of forcing you to start over you'll just collect one of the bad endings to the story. I don't think that there's much to say about this because it is not something new to the game. The endings are also possible to avoid if you choose your path careful enough. The check mark show which one of these are in the game already. 

Bad ends inside orc town.

This is the same as above only available inside the orc city.

Don't forget to visit the public document for A New Dawn for even more information.


Cheers! Yours truly WhiteRaven




After reading the 'short' post, cough-cough, I think most of it sounds pretty in place. Pesonally, though, I never understood the double dream sequence and find it mostly to be a lengthy endeavor. If there is to make it possible to combine two dreams, let's say 1 B.E. dream and 1 Glory Hole dream, to advance two paths at once then it would make more sense to me. Also I think it would be interesting if Victoria had a path were she became the new Brothel Baronnes, or something, just a random idea, though. (Still waiting for more of the jerk's orc woman ointment, lol. Someday, maybe, someday...) ;P


Frankly I'm still hoping for a path where our protagonist gets a bit wicked and opens up a hucow farm of her own... Or at least deliberately relishes turning the other girls into cows.


Sure that's not a bad idea actually, the choices could be after waking up from the first dream; go back to sleep, go back to sleep trying to think about something else and last wake up. If Victoria just go back to sleep she will have the same dream. If she's trying to think off something else she will have a different dream. Waking up leaves her with one dream only. Bad ending brothel baroness aligns with the story, it is not something I have thought about that much but I have to say the thought have hit me a few times after she can earn silver for having girls working there. Someday it will be added! I don't think I've mentioned it in the document either.


I don't know about opening up an own farm. Tho she can betray her friends which will make them hu-cows. Adding a way for Victoria to trick them on her own isn't impossible if that's what you mean.


Finally... An update with Henry and it's BDSM! Can't wait for the update.

CK Lai

It's very hard now to trigger the Glory Hole path. When Victoria enters, she walks out again. Used to be she'd pay the girl there to watch?


Good morning @WhiteRaven, how are you? How is the update progressing? Do you think you can deliver before the end of the month? Hugs


Any news about the new update?