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I'm back in business as they say. It's been some very rough weeks for me, I've not been dying or anything dramatic like that. I think I had a depression I don't know but I lost all motivation to do anything other than staying in my bed more or less. So I've started to talk to a few people about my health issues no experts but they said it's normal reaction from someone who've been in an accident like mine, close to die. The situation in the world is not making things better. I wished I said this to you all earlier as it's not fair from me to be absent and take money without saying a word off my issues. 

I'm not feeling like my old self, I don't know if I'm going to be able to work as much as I did before. Though I actually missed talking to you all and missed creating this game so hopefully I will get some motivation back by starting to work again and get some normal routines. I wanted to be transparent with you all just wished I was it earlier but I just simply could not. 

As for the state of the update it's obvious that it will require some work from me as I've not been able to do a whole lot. 

Thanks everyone for supporting the creation of this game, you guys already made me a lot happier from the small talks I've had so far. 

Cheers to another great week together. 

Yours truly WhiteRaven.



hello got a huge trouble in 2.9.0 because i can't save the game and it told me failed loading img/characters/ Numbers1.png , i try to see in folder and there's no Numbers1.png. please how to fix it? thanks to answering me


by the way a great game, congratulations to you and your team, hope i can fixing the trouble of save, just frustating!!