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I'm here and alive! I'm moving again, if you've been a patron to me long enough you've experienced my second house/apartment change. Because of this I've been busy with fixing some paper work been without internet for a few days and just packing and unpacking my things. That's the reason I've been late with the Monday post and the update. I'm going to answer messages and mails tomorrow.

Hope everyone stay safe and don't spread the virus too much, relax and come chat with me on discord. Speaking of, I'm really considering starting to stream. Either stream my work or if you would be interested I could do some hangout on certain days where I play games and just hang out with you all, chat or so, I'm not sure I would want to talk or have a face cam^^. I can't work on the game all hours I'm awake even though you all would want to anyway. Let me know what you think!   

This is a shorter Monday post with not much infomartion about my work I made it public because it contains information that I think everyone that follows me should know. 

That's all for now, expect the update to be out earliest next week. 


Yours truly WhiteRaven.



alec: Exactly. It's disrespectful to his supporters not mentioning a word for weeks/months, Missing deadlines because of being sick is one thing but not at least writing a few words is really inexcusable. Maybe he's chronically ill and can't continue this project, who knows?


This is not my place to say, and this may only be gossip; but I have been following WhiteRaven for nearly two years, in that time there has rarely been a single week when there was not a post from WhiteRaven (yes many were late). At the end of last year WhiteRaven was involved in a serious incident that drastically impacted their health and as a result of this there was a month when they did not post. Things were returning to normal this year, with health still impacting development, then the Corona Virus happened. From the gossip that I have heard WhiteRaven is located in Italy, as someone who was already in poor health, there is a chance that WhiteRaven may be seriously ill.


I agree with you, I'm sorry. I wrote a longer answer above which you might want to read to get some context. Doesn't justify my actions in any way but it does describes it.


I'm not from Italy though. This is true, I think I rushed myself back to work too quickly but that doesn't make it ok for me to not tell you about my condition. I'm really sorry for my behavior.


Disagree with you 100% on this mate, depression is a serious illness, it was incredibly brave to be able to talk publicly about such a serious and personal issue.


Even though it's serious illness I feel like I treated you all bad and I'm sorry for it. I didn't want to talk to anyone even do anything other than lay in my bed.


Yes! That is depression, finding the will to get out of bed and get into some sense of normalcy or routine can be an incredible struggle. There will be days like this, you need to remind yourself of all the beauty in the world; and then remind yourself that the world will not come to you, you need to leave your bed, your room, your confinements. The problem with working on computers is the lack of exposure to sunlight (Vitamin D).