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Hello everyone, hope you're all having a good weekend so far! I've been busy trying to get set up and caught up on everything from getting back, but I thought in the mean time. . . Maybe you guys had some questions? Maybe enough questions to do another Q&A?
With that in mind I will be opening a tab in the discord server where anyone there can ask a question I will later answer in a follow up audio. The Discord server is available to anyone with an active Meduso tier or higher.

The Question Answer tab will be open for everyone till Thursday the 20th! The server has grown some since the last Q&A so everyone will be limited to

   one  question!

Choose wisely

Thanks everyone and have a great day/night!



Rrrrm guys you need to ask these questions in the appropriate Discord tab as I mentioned above.😅




Not sure when exactly it'll be recorded and done but soon hopefully :)