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Hello everyone! I'm home!

Apologies for the slightly delayed posting on the results I have been very busy unpacking my home and setting everything up again and making sure I have what I need... Like food hahah.

All that aside I will be starting to ease back into thing in the coming days once everything is sorted and it looks like we will be starting with: You and your crush go to the drive through movie and try not to get caught!

( do you guys prefer the long explaining titles in the polls or the short mysterious ones? lmk)

Congratulation and thank you to everyone who voted! It was a very close race for each option!



Sóley Wen

I prefer them long and strong! 💪😏

Miss Z

First, congrats on your safe return. Secondly, I’m fine either way. As long as the content is great (which it always is), I don’t mind it being long or short.