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Hello there boys and girls! Ralph here from the Emerald Isle!

Just wanted to give you a quick update on my journey!

I'm just about to head over to the Vicar Street Theatre for tonight's HOLLYWOOD BABBLE-ON show, but, before I did, I wanted to wanted to say "Hello" and deliver the first of MANY reports form the road!

Dublin is lovely, (but, rainy) and it's good to be back in the land of my ancestors!

And, you'll never guess who dropped by to hang out and see the show tonight ... your very own Ralph Report UK correspondent, Steve Ashton!

Steve and I decided to make the most of my quick stay here. So, first, we had lunch at a terrific pub called THE HAIRY LEMON, and then we got the idea to go do the Guinness Brewery tour! (It's like visiting Willy Wonka's factory for drinkers like us!)

Here are a few pics, but, Steve shot a load of video, so you'll be getting that soon, too!

We'll also try to grab a little video from backstage tonight, featuring my OTHER podcast pal, Kevin Smith, so, keep an eye out for that, as well!

Tomorrow, I'm off to Birmingham, so, I'll check in from there, as soon as I can. 

And, for you Garmy members and Ash-Holes near London, we'll be telling you where our meet and greet is on May, 16th, too.

Until then ... LMB!