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On today's THE RALPH REPORT: We break down the new SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME trailer! Why Ralph had to destroy his porn collection! And, we revive a long-lost TV theme song for TV TUNES TUESDAY!


Ethan Spencer

Also. Ralph, I think you meant VHS instead of cassette when talking about porn media...unless there are some sexy phone recordings they sell for the truly imaginative

Jason Scherer

Thanks for talking about foster care today Ralph! You played my interview in November for national adoption month, and Eddie was right!!! We had five kids when we saw him at Knott's. Coincidentally, 9 years ago TODAY my wife and I became foster parents when we were placed with our twins(who we adopted 14 months later). And just 4 days ago we adopted our daughter (4th adopted kid)!!!


You and your wife are doing the Lord’s work, Jason👍good on yah!